Jennifer Factor
MFA, Bennington College
AB, Harvard College
Dissertation, forthcoming in 2024-2025
“Intimate Play: Phillis Wheatley Peters and the Art of the Poem Game.” Directed by: Dorothy Kim
Research Interests
Pan-Atlantic eighteenth century media history, Black bibliography, poetry, gaming
“Intimate Play: Phillis Wheatley Peters and the Seaside Poem Game,” Approaches to Eighteenth
Century Black Lives and Leaders, Society for Early Americanists, June 2023.
“Rhyming Rivals: Phillis Wheatley Peters Plays a Poem Game,” Phillis
Wheatley Peters at 250, American Society of Eighteenth Century Studies, March 2023.
“Phillis Wheatley’s Reading Circle: Performing Poetry and Identity in Racialized New
England,” Performing Identity in the Long Eighteenth Century: Global Perspectives,
American Society of Eighteenth Century Studies, April 10, 2021,
"Poems, and the Politics of Voice: Phillis Wheatley’s (re) and (multi) Vision in the Matrix of
Meaning" Revision and the Eighteenth Century, American Society of Eighteenth Century
Studies, April 11, 2021.
“Peripheral Liberties in the Age of Revolution: Strategies of Dissent in Phillis Wheatley”
(graduate conference talk), Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature on the theme of Peripheral Matters, City University New York Graduate Center, October 27, 2017.
Current and Upcoming Fellowships
2023-2024 Winterthur House & Museum Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Short-Term
2023-2024 Lewis Walpole Library/ASECS Fellow, Yale University
2023-2024 John Carter Brown Fellow, Brown University
2023-2024 Publication Scholar with BBIP/AFRO PWW (Black Books Interactive Project/Kansas University and Afro- Publishing Without Walls/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne)
2023 Stuart A. Rose Summer Research Fellowship, Emory University
2022-2023 W. B. H. Dowse Fellowship, Massachusetts Historical Society
Additional Employment
Lecturer in Poetry, California Institute of Technology, 2018-present
Visiting Affiliate Faculty in Poetry, Antioch University Los Angeles, 2021-present
Instructor in English, Brandeis University, 2021-2022
Core Faculty in Poetry and Creative Writing, Antioch University Los Angeles, 2006-2017
Awards and Honors
2023-2024 Mandel Center for the Humanities Graduate Dissertation Innovation Grant for Intimate Play: Phillis Wheatley Peters and the Art of the Poem Game
2023-2024 Samuels Center for Community Partnerships and Civic Transformation (COMPACT) Supplemental Award
2021-2022 Caltech BRASS Distinguished Teaching Award in the Division of Humanities & Social Sciences
More Information