Savita Maharaj

PhD - Third Year
Savita MaharajB.A. in English, Northeastern University, Boston MA 2022

Primary Advisor

Prof. Faith Smith

Research Interests

Contemporary and Eighteenth-Century Caribbean History and
Literature, Archival Theory, Critical Histories of Race and Gender, Decolonial Methods, Postcolonial Theory


Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Fellow, 2022-2024
RaceB4Race Social Media Fellows, Arizona State University, 2023


“The ‘Black-birds’ of St. Giles and Covent Garden: Race, Community, and Place in Eighteenth-century London” (with Dr. Nicole Aljoe) in Cultures of London. Forthcoming Spring 2023.

Favorite Work

Cereus Blooms at Night, Shani Mootoo and Cannibal, Safiya Sinclair