Leonard Carapezza is retiring after 52 years of private pediatric dental practice and 47 years of teaching at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Len recommends anyone in transition (like he is) should read “From Strength to Strength,” by Arthur C. Brooks. Susan Handloff reports she is already looking forward to seeing everyone who attends the Class of 1960’s 65th Reunion. In January, Susan Kahn celebrated the publication of her 18th book, “Sue’s Strategies/Grammar Practice for Effective Writing and Reading, Book 3: Six Ways To Express Adjectives.” In last issue’s Class Notes, Susan wrote about helping her son, Doug, find a kidney donor. She says, “I had no idea how overwhelmingly kind and generous everyone would be. Doug’s National Kidney Registry website (nkr.org/eeu334) recently recorded visits from 275 people and completed evaluations of two persons at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Brandeisians, you are awesome!” Doug has not yet received a kidney. To register to become a donor, go to BWH.donorscreen.org. David Koulack lives with mild cognitive impairment. “The good news,” he writes, “is that I’m still having fun: doing a lot of writing, playing chess, and spending lots of time with my family.”
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