Eiran Gorodeski has been named the inaugural Daniel I. Simon, MD, Chair in Cardiovascular Excellence at University Hospitals in Cleveland. Lisa (Root) McGuirk, athletic director at Gannon University, in Erie, Pennsylvania, was named the 2022 Erie Times-News Sportswoman of the Year. Kenneth Ringdahl is chief technology officer at Kantata, a software company in Irvine, California. Jen Siegel married James Gachau in a small ceremony at Stage Fort Park, in Gloucester, Massachusetts, on June 13, 2022. The couple lives in Melrose with their children Josh (11) and Sophia (8). David Vitberg is division chief of medical and surgical critical-care medicine at Greater Baltimore Medical Center. He also works as a first responder at volunteer fire companies in Lutherville and Chestnut Ridge, Maryland. Nadav Zeimer reports he retired from his role as an inner-city high school principal to launch a nonprofit startup designed to “disrupt” the College Board’s AP Exams. Nadav and his wife adopted a child from Japan and are foster parents to a medically fragile child, whom they hope to adopt.
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