Jonathan Baek is president and CEO of Daewon Pharmaceutical, headquartered in the Republic of Korea. Formerly, he served as head of the company’s marketing division. Alison Channon and Jeremy Frisch welcomed their second child, Nora Rafaela Frisch, on Jan. 27. She is named in memory of Alison’s sister, Rebecca. Denisse Dubrovsky reports she’s been “geeking out” over wildflowers in her California neighborhood, making a scrapbook of them and taking lots of photos. Beth Kantrowitz is a partner at Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics. Faith Brigham Leener is the inaugural chief innovation officer at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. Nicholas Moskevich is a commercial litigation lawyer at Davis Graham & Stubbs, in Denver. Emily Griffin Sandler and Benjamin Sandler ’07 happily report their first child, Corvin Corey Russell, was born at Mount Auburn Hospital, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Sept. 12. Elisette Weiss and Jacob Bockelmann ’09 welcomed their second son, Lev Dylan Bockelweiss, in February 2022.
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