Jaime Ezratty is a partner at law firm Horing Welikson Rosen & Digrugilliers, in Nassau County, New York, practicing in the area of real estate law. He is active in the Nassau County Bar Association and frequently lectures on real estate-related topics. In March, Jaime and his wife, Stacey, were honored at the Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Centre Gala. They have three sons, all in their 20s. Donna Lee has started a company called R-Yolo, which makes sustainable, machine-washable and –dryable yoga mats that were included in Academy Awards celebrity swag bags last year. (“R-Yolo” means “Remember, you only live once.”) Lisa Rynston-Lobel, who lives in Port Washington, New York, with husband Scott Lobel, runs Talk to the Hound Dog Training. Son Eric graduated from Northwestern’s Medill School and is covering sports at the Concord (New Hampshire) Monitor. Daughter Alexa is studying graphic design at James Madison University.
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