John Farr married Young-Ae Chung in Washington, D.C., in May 2022. They live in Dubai, where John works for the software company SAP. Jordan Fruchtman is chief program officer at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, Jacobs Family Campus, in La Jolla, California. He previously held positions at Repair the World and Moishe House. In August 2022, Zahava (Alter) and Abraham Lipton welcomed baby boy Seraph Hillel, who joins big brother Isaac. Molly Rosen Marriner, a self-described “basset hound person” who lives in Oakland, California, is a UX writer and recently published an allegorical novella about Phil Jackson. Ben Terris is the author of “The Big Break: The Gamblers, Party Animals, and True Believers Trying To Win in Washington While America Loses Its Mind,” published by Twelve, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, in June. Ben and wife Rachel Pfeffer live in Washington, D.C., where Ben is a features writer covering politics at The Washington Post.
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