Bachelor's Degrees

Two different degrees are offered:
- The Bachelor of Arts degree (BA) in Neuroscience provides students with a general background in neuroscience and provides flexibility with fewer requirements for quantitative and physical science courses.
- The Bachelor of Science degree (BS) in Neuroscience is an intensive option that provides students with a strong background in several areas of neuroscience and is recommended for students pursuing a career in research.
Full details and recommendations are provided in the University Bulletin.
Neuroscience Bachelor of Science
Core Courses
- NBIO 140B (Principles of Neuroscience)
- 1 Quant (BIOL 51a, 107a, 135b; ECON 83; NBIO 136b; NPSY 137b; PSYC 51a; PSYCH 148a; 210a; QBIO 110a, NPHY 115a, PHYS 105a)
Four Neuroscience Electives
- Any Neurobiology (NBIO) or Cognitive Neuroscience (NPSY) courses
Additional Science Courses
- 13 Additional Science Courses for the BS, or 11 Additional Science Courses for the BA.
- At least 12-course credits, i.e. 3 full courses or 6 half courses, should be fulfilled by Laboratory Courses.
Additional Requirements for Degree with Departmental Honors
- A significant amount of research experience and enrollment in Senior
Research (see University Bulletin).