Studio Access in the Fine Arts Department
Goldman Schwartz Studio Access
The studios in Goldman Schwartz are accessible to all students who are registered for a studio class for the current semester. Students should only use the studio where their class takes place. The building is open during normal business hours and students registered in studio classes have swipe access 8am to 11pm every day. If a student swipes in before 11pm, they may remain in the space pass 11pm as long as they are not alone. No student should ever be alone in the building. It is up to the student to coordinate with classmates and friends to ensure they are not alone in the building. There are scheduled studio hours where a monitor will be present in a particular studio. These times are posted throughout Goldman Schwartz.
If a student who is not registered in a studio class during the current semester would like to utilize Goldman Schwartz, they should email Rebecca Strauss ( to inquire. However, we cannot always accommodate these requests.
Pottery Club
Pottery club is permitted to use the clay studio (GS112). Experienced members have the same access to GS112 as students registered in a studio class so they can hold pottery club hours. Other members must only be present with there is an experienced member there. No student should ever be alone in the building.
Studio Use Outside of the Semester
Inquiries related to use of the studio outside the semester (ie. summer/winter break) should be sent to the Studio Art Technician, Rebecca Strauss (
Epstein Studio Access
Epstein is open during normal business hours but should only be used by students who are registered for a course that takes place in Epstein for the current semester. Epstein is not available to any other students.
Senior Studio Students
Students registered in senior studio for the current semester will be granted a studio space and have 24-hour swipe access to the space. No student should ever be alone in the building. It is up to the student to coordinate with classmates and friends to ensure they are not alone in the building. We do not permit students who are not registered for FA110a or FA110b to be granted a studio space in Epstein. Students MUST register for senior studio if they would like to use the space.
Other Students
If students are registered for another course that takes place in Epstein during the current semester, they will have card swipe access from 8am to 11pm every day. No student should ever be alone in the building. It is up to the student to coordinate with classmates and friends to ensure they are not alone in the building.