Pedagogical Partnerships

“Having a student partner as a trusted ally is going to provide you with unique insights into all facets of your teaching that no formal end-of-semester evaluation form is ever going to give you. It is not only informative but also motivating and inspiring. For me it has also rekindled my joy in teaching!”
- one Spring 2023 Faculty Partner

Each semester, the CTL invites faculty to join the Pedagogical Partners Program (P3), in which a faculty member works closely with an undergraduate student partner throughout the semester on one of the faculty member's courses.

The Pedagogical Partnership Program aims to foster collaborative and inclusive learning environments where students and faculty work together to enhance teaching and learning experiences at Brandeis.

This program is an opportunity to harness student feedback and partnership to meaningfully address some of the challenges we’re experiencing in our classrooms. It is also a chance to think deeply about equitable and inclusive course design, explore new pedagogical approaches, or incorporate new course content.

Faculty members interested in a pedagogical partnership should (1) identify a Student Partner with whom they would like to work for a semester; and (2) identify a specific driving question, problem, experiment, or project they would like to pursue throughout the semester with the help of their student partner. Faculty are encouraged to do this before applying for the program.

When selecting a Student Partner, please note that:

  • A student partner cannot be currently enrolled as a student in the course for which they are serving as a student partner.
  • A student partner cannot be a TA in the course for which they are serving as a student partner.

Through this program, a faculty member and their student partner work closely throughout the semester, collaboratively exchanging ideas, experimenting with new teaching methods, and reflecting on their approaches to teaching and learning, with the ultimate goals of enhancing student classroom engagement, fostering deeper learning, and cultivating more inclusive classrooms for their students.

We're sorry, but applications for Fall 2024 are now closed.

Please feel free to email the CTL if you have any questions or if you are interested in applying in the future.

Fall 2024 Pedagogical Partnership participants

Moodle page for Fall 2024 Pedagogical Partnership

Faculty Partner Student Partner Department / Program
Deborah Garnick Nora Elbasha Heller School for Social Policy and Management; Health: Science, Society and Policy (HSSP)
Hollie Harder Alicia Tsao Romance Studies (French and Francophone Studies)
Laura Quinney Viviana Infante English
Mahsa Akbari Jamie Trope Economics
Sara Hascal Ofri Levinson Hebrew program/NEJS
Steven Wilson Gonny Nir Politics

Spring 2024 Pedagogical Partnership participants

LATTE page for Spring 2024 Pedagogical Partnership

Faculty Partner Student Partner Course
Maria Miara Myah Cowell BIOL 15B
Vasuki Wijendran Matilda Badji BIOL 55B
Prakash Kashwan Hedy Yang ENVS 3B
Guy Antebi Tehilla Oami HBRW 34A
Maria Duran Daphne Ballesteros LACLS 1A
Emily Tiberi Ariana Elbaz PHYS 18B
Rachel McKane Natalie Saltzman SOC 1A

Fall 2023 Pedagogical Partnership participants

LATTE page for Fall 2023 Pedagogical Partnership

Faculty Partner Student Partner Course
Charlie Goudge Kaija Grisham ANTH 60A
Jo-Ann Jee Justine Sarkodie CHEM 25A
Ella Tuson Nathan Merin COSI 10A
Amy Singer Erica Egleston HIST 174B
Emily Tiberi Ariana Elbaz PHYS 18A
Sarah Mayorga Ethan Dayan SOC 1A

Spring 2023 Pedagogical Partnership participants

LATTE page for Spring 2023 Pedagogical Partnership

Faculty Partner Student Partner Course
Jonathan Anjaria Anthony Ruiz ANTH 1A
Colleen Hitchcock Mazzi Ingram BIOL 17B
Jian Wei Annitah Nakandi CHIN 20B
Sally Warner Liddy Grossman ENVS 19B
Thuy Lam Julia Braeunig HSSP 100B
Guillaume Duclos Krupa Sourirajan PHYS 10B
Katrin Fischer Sophia Lemieux UWS 43A