Summer Faculty Work-In-Progress Group
May 23rd through August 1st.
Are you looking for an informal writing group to help you with a paper, book, grant application, etc., that you’re writing over the summer?
If so, please feel free to join us for an informal, weekly meeting Thursdays from 2-4pm in the Farber 2 Conference Room to meet with colleagues for feedback and support over tea and snacks.
The Farber 2 Conference Room is located in the Library, one floor below the main lobby. If you're standing in the main lobby of the Library, you will see tables labeled "information & borrowing", and there will be a staircase just to the left of them. Take that staircase down one flight, then turn right to enter the Farber 2 office, and the Conference Room will be inside.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Marty Samuels (