Papers and Publications

Our department emphasizes the importance of graduate student publishing and academic conference participation. We assist graduate students in the following ways:

  • An annual workshop on publishing, including behind-the-scenes accounts of the publishing process by faculty members.

  • Individual mentoring and editing assistance for publication.

  • An annual workshop on writing abstracts for conferences.

  • Assistance in public speaking and presenting at conferences.

  • Opportunities throughout the year for graduate students to practice presenting papers.

Conference Papers

Each year, Brandeis has a strong presence at the American Anthropological Association annual meeting, with papers being presented by current graduate students, faculty and other Brandeis scholars. Our archeology students also regularly present at the Society for American Anthropology annual meeting. Other conferences at which our students have recently presented papers include the annual meetings of the American Ethnological Society; Association for Asian Studies; International Conference on Anthropology and Urban Conflict; North American Conference on Media, Communication, and Culture; Society for Economic Anthropology; and the Society for Visual Anthropology.


While at Brandeis, graduate students have published articles in the following journals:

  • American Ethnologist, Critical Public Health

  • Medical Anthropology Quarterly

  • Semiotica

  • Signs and Society

  • Semiotic Inquiry, Special Issue: Semiotics in Anthropology Today

  • Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development