Connected PhD

The Connected PhD program, which is generously supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, seeks to enrich professional development opportunities for doctoral students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences at Brandeis. Now entering its fourth and final year, this four-year program funds professional development experiences for students and curricular innovation grants for faculty, all with the goal of re-imagining graduate education. Please note that funding will no longer be available after Aug. 31, 2023.
The Connected PhD program serves doctoral programs in Anthropology, English, History, Musicology, Music Composition and Theory, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies (NEJS), Politics and Sociology. This program offers two types of opportunities to students:
- Funding of professional development opportunities such as learning a new practical skill or gaining real-world experience outside of academia
- Part-time on-campus internships in fields such as communications, libraries, and higher education administration that open doors to fulfilling career possibilities after graduation