Speaker Series
Title: "Digital Amati: Digitally Curating and Studying the Italian Violinmaking Tradition"
Hongfu Liu, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Brandeis
Title: "Goal-Oriented Data-Centric Learning"
Title: "Computational Approaches for Uncovering Implicit Strategies in Political Discourse"
Title: "Towards a Foundation for Multitask Learning"
Title: "From Audio Perception to Understanding: A Path Towards Audio AGI"
Title: "Towards Principle-Informed Data-Driven Decision Making"
Tevfik Kosar, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB)
Title: "Realizing the Potential of Computer Science at Brandeis by Leading in Innovation, Engagement, and Impact"
Title:"Towards AI-enabled Healthcare Through Learning Effective
Representations Efficiently"
Title: "A Brief Introduction to Computer Networking"
Title: "Data Augmentation for Graph Regression"
Title: "User Authentication: The Angel and Devil"
Title: "Improving the Impact of AI with Visual Affordances"
Romila Pradhan, Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Technology, Purdue University
Title: "Toward Trustworthy and Responsible Data Science"
Title: "Retrieval-Enhanced Machine Learning: Lessons Learned and Opportunities Ahead"
Dr. Neil Shah, Principal Research Scientist and Senior Manager, Snap Research
Title: "Improving the Scalability of Graph Neural Networks"
Liping Liu, Assistant Professor, Tufts University
Title: "Generative Models for Graph Data: Probability Calculations and Efficiency"
Title: "Natural Language Processing for Privacy and Social Good"
A. Erdem Sariyuce, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo
Title: "Using Motif Transitions for Temporal Graph Generation"
Tyler Derr, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and the Data Science Institute, Vanderbilt University
Title: "Data Quality-Aware Learning on Graphs"
Sucheta Soundarajan, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department, Syracuse University
Title: "Fairness in Social Networks"
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, Washington University in Saint Louis
Title: "Towards Trustworthy AI-Driven Autonomous Systems"
Weijun Xie, Coca-Cola Foundation Early Career Professor. and Assistant Professor at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering , Georgia Tech
Title: "Best Principal Submatrix Selection for the Maximum Entropy Sampling Problem: Scalable Algorithms and Performance Guarantees"
Zheng Wen, Research Scientist at DeepMind
Title: "A Mini-Tutorial on Thompson Sampling"
João Luís G. Rosa, Visiting Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, UMass Lowell and Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of São Paulo (USP), in São Carlos, Brazil
Title: "Brain-Computer Interfaces"
Manling Li. Ph.D. candidate at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Title: "Toward Factuality in Information Access: Event-Centric Multimodal Knowledge Acquisition"
Title: "Helping the Captive Audience: Advance Notice of Diagnostic Service for Hospital Inpatients"