Faculty and Staff
Meet Our Faculty
Expertise: Data science and advanced visual analytics for machine learning.
Expertise: Software engineering, scalability, distributed and high availability computing, architecture and design.
Expertise: Computer vision, pattern recognition, content-based image retrieval, image processing and analysis.
Expertise: Theoretical syntax and the syntax-semantics interface, ellipsis and null anaphora, morphosyntax, structure of Modern Hebrew and other Semitic languages, corpus linguistics
Expertise: Educational technology, computer science education, 3D game design, interval arithmetic, scientific visualization, computer-supported learning, groupware and collaborative editing, constraint logic programming
Expertise: Computer science, fintech, machine learning, image processing, bioinformatics, biomedical informatics, intelligent education
Expertise: Computational linguistics, natural language processing, language acquisition and change, and psycholinguistics
Expertise: Data mining, machine learning and related applications in social media, computer vision and bioinformatics
Expertise: Logic in computer science, Lambda calculus, functional programming
Expertise: Formal semantics and pragmatics, corpus linguistics, speech acts, game and decision theory, reference and information structure, modality, impersonals and passives, heritage language acquisition
Expertise: Computer networking, hardware/software co-design, data structures and algorithms, and lookup performance enhancements
Expertise: Data management, distributed systems, data science, machine learning and cloud computing
Expertise: Phonological theory, historical linguistics, morphology, heritage linguistics
Expertise: Artificial intelligence, neural networks, machine learning, evolutionary computation and artificial life
Expertise: Theoretical and computational linguistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, corpus linguistics and annotation, lexical semantics, temporal and spatial reasoning
Expertise: Applied computer science, software engineering, architecture and design, development methodology, scalability, software entrepreneurship, robotics
Expertise: Data structures and algorithms, data management, storage engine, systems, data privacy, and cloud computing.
Expertise: Distributed systems, reliable and scalable storage systems
Expertise: Computational linguistics, Chinese language processing, semantic role labeling, machine translation and linguistic annotation, including Chinese Treebank, Chinese Proposition Bank, OntoNotes
Instructors and Visiting Faculty
Expertise: Data science applications, higher education
Expertise: Natural language processing, Q&A systems, and sentiment analysis.
Expertise: Computer Security
Expertise: Natural language processing, corpus annotation, technology extraction, temporal processing, tool development
Expertise: Software Entrepreneurship
Expertise: Machine learning, computational linguistics, statistical natural language processing
Professors Emeriti
Expertise: Computer-supported communication, cooperation, and collaboration, learning and technology, cognitive engineering and modeling, human computer interaction, communication and discourse, internet and society.
Expertise: Databases and systems supporting the management of "Big Data," software engineering
Expertise: Computer algorithms, data compression, communications and archiving (including text, images, video and multi-media), image retrieval and classification, object recognition and parallel computing