

Ella Tuson

M.A.P. | Mastery Assessment Pedagogy for Learning Computer Science

Thomas Colburn Willkens

Open-Ended Dynamics of Coevolutionary Games


Solomon Garber

Video Background Modeling for Efficient Transformations Between Images and Videos


Jiarui Yao

Cross-lingual Temporal and Modal Dependency Parsing

Gitit Kehat

Between Visualizability and Abstractness: Deploying Visual Text to Detect Non-literal Language

Xiaodong Qu

Temporal Dependency Structure Modeling


Kristian Kime

Insightful Learning Systems: Supporting STEM Education with Accessible Cyberlearning

Long Sha

Efficient Methods in Deep Learning Lifecycle: Representation, Prediction and Model Compression


Maria Altebarmakian

Cohesion in Online, Different Time and Place Collaborative Learning Environments

Nikolaos Tsikoudis

Retrospective Computations over Sets of Snapshots - Design, Implementation and Optimization

Yuchen Zhang

Temporal Dependency Structure Modeling


Complexity in Coevolution and Deep Learning

Turning Machine Learning Inward: Automating Cloud Databases

Robust and Efficient Techniques in Deep Learning with applications in Computer Vision and Language Understanding 


Problem Solving Markov Models and Recursive Pedagogy

Learning to Perform Actions from Demonstrations with Sequential Modeling

Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing

Learning-based Interactive Data Exploration


Monte Carlo Simulation Generation Through Operationalization of Spatial Primitives

Profiling and Quality Assessment of Query Optimizers

Toward a Theory of the Evolution of Modularity Using Sequential-Subtask Environments and Development

Devel-Op: An Optimizer Development Environment