Research Labs
In addition to our faculty's individual research, much research and development takes place in computer science laboratories. Some of these labs are highlighted below.
Brandeis Autonomous Robotics Teaching Laboratory
The COSI 119a Brandeis Autonomous Robotics Lab, led by Professor Pito Salas, is focused on teaching robotics theory and practice. Students and faculty work side by side on robotics projects large and small. The lab takes a "multi-cohort multi-semester”" approach to teaching, which allows students to learn robotics while helping to build the lab's major project, the Campus Rover. The Campus Rover initiative investigates issues of indoor and outdoor navigation using inexpensive robot platforms.
Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization
The Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization (DEMO) lab attacks problems in agent cognition using complex machine organizations that are created from simple components with minimal human design effort. The DEMO lab houses research in recurrent neural networks, evolutionary computation and dynamical systems as substrates.
Brandeis Laboratory for Linguistics and Computation
The Brandeis Lab for Linguistics and Computation (LLC) conducts research on the design and development of language models for semantic indexing, knowledge extraction and linguistically-based reasoning over large text collections. Theoretical work involves development of Generative Lexicon Theory and extensions of this theory to parsing and event-based inferencing.
Chinese Language Processing Group
The Chinese Language Processing Group (CLPG) focuses on research in natural language processing, developing new linguistic and statistical techniques, and creating new computational linguistic tools. Ongoing projects include semantic role labeling, statistical machine translation, Chinese language processing and temporal inference.
Computational Systems Biology Group
The Computational Systems Biology Group takes an integrated approach, which combines computational and experimental methods to understand causal and functional relationships that regulate the dynamics of biological networks and lead various extra-cellular stimuli to numerous cellular phenotypes.
Faculty Spotlight
Subhadeep Sarkar recently joined the faculty in the Computer Science department as an assistant professor. He works at the intersection of designing data layouts and access methods for storage engines and developing systems-level solutions for privacy protection in modern data systems. The goal of his research is to design efficient privacy-aware data systems by navigating the privacy-performance tradeoff and designing data structures and algorithms that support privacy by design. His research interests span data systems, storage layouts, access methods, and their intersection with data privacy.
Before joining Brandeis, Subhadeep was a post-doctoral associate at Boston University.