How to Be Reimbursed
Students expecting to be reimbursed for fieldwork-related expenses should track their expenses as they occur. Travel expenses must follow these University Guidelines.
Receipts are required for all expenses over $25 (with the exception of lodging and alcohol, which must be included at any amount). Receipts should show proof of purchase, which might be the last few digits of a credit card, a processed check or a credit card statement.
Maintaining receipts (or at least a record) for items less than $25 is encouraged for ease of expense reporting.
If a vendor does not provide receipts, create your own in a logbook or receipt book. The following should be included on your handwritten receipt:
- Date and time of purchase
- Item purchased
- Name of vendor
International purchases: Proof of payment in foreign languages must be translated into English. Translation may be done in summary format if there are multiple purchases.
If amount purchased is in foreign currency, convert the foreign currency into the U.S. amount based on the rate on date of purchase. Print out the source used to convert the expense to U.S. dollars, such as a webpage, and include with the receipt. Here is an online currency converter.
When meal expenses include charges for individuals other than the traveler, the expense report must state the names(s), the research purpose and the date of the meal.
Auto travel
Brandeis will reimburse the following:
- Mileage when using a personal car to drive to and from a conference, off-site meeting, etc. Brandeis reimburses at the rate per mile is set annually by the IRS.
- Rental cars, inclusive of fuel/gasoline and tolls for that car.
- Fuel/gasoline when used in a rental car or a Brandeis-owned vehicle.
When you are ready to submit your items for reimbursement, keep one copy for your records. Please make sure your reimbursement request includes the following information on a cover sheet:- Your name.
- Description of expense (i.e., flight to field site, meal with interlocutor)
- Expense date
- Expense amount
- When meal expenses include charges for individuals other than the traveler, you must provide the names(s) of others unless it was more than 10 people.
- For travel in a personal vehicle, include your start and end points for the mileage calculation.
Submit your cover sheet and corresponding receipts in person or by email to Lauren Jordahl.
Approximately two weeks after turning in your cover sheet and receipts, you will receive a check in the mail or a direct deposit if you have one set up with the university. Note: If you don't have direct deposit, the check will be mailed to the primary address listed on your Workday account unless we are otherwise notified at the time the receipts are turned in.