Clubs and Organizations Application Guide
Follow these seven simple steps to form a club or organization for graduate students:
1. Meet with the Office of Graduate Student Affairs
Email to schedule a meeting to discuss your ideas, ask questions, find out if there are similar clubs on campus and learn about various resources and materials that will help you in this process.
2. Draft a Constitution
Every club is required to have a constitution before collecting signatures for club approval. Guidelines are set out in the Constitution Outline Worksheet. (Note: This document must be uploaded to the online application form.)
3. Obtain Member Signatures
Clubs must secure commitments of at least three individuals in order to gain official status. Please use this club member list (pdf) to collect your signatures. (Note: This document must be uploaded to the online application form.)
4. Create a Yearlong Plan Outline
To ensure that your club is sustainable and the mission is met, you are required to create a plan outline for your club’s first year of existence. (Note: This document must be uploaded to the online application form.) This plan could include:
- Number of meetings you plan to hold and what you hope to accomplish during these meetings.
- Performances in which you plan to participate.
- Events and/or guest speakers you would like to host.
- Lessons, rehearsals and practice sessions.
Keep in mind that recognized clubs may not be offered funding immediately upon approval. For this reason, consider co-sponsoring an event with another club, hosting group discussions or holding student-led practices or lectures for the first few meetings. You can try to plan for independent events and practices with professional instructors for later in the semester, in your second semester or as soon as funding requests are approved. All activities described in this plan must be defended as contributing to the goals of the club and demonstrate that the club will be vital and utilized.
5. Complete the Online Application Form
The online application form allows us to collect all your information at one time. Don't forget to have these three documents ready to attach to the form: draft constitution, member signature list and first-year plan outline. Application responses are usually made by the GSA Executive Committee within 24 to 48 hours of submission.
6. Create Listserv or Facebook Group Page (optional)
A listserv is an application that distributes messages to subscribers on an electronic mailing list. Listservs are ideal for keeping members apprised of upcoming events and meetings and for making general club announcements. Listservs can be created online. For support, contact the Help Desk at 781-736-4357 (on campus at 6-HELP).
7. Check Out Club Resources
Once your your club has been created, check out Clubs and Organizations resource page on this website. These resources provide important information about how to make your club or organization successful.