Form Your Own Organization

If you are interested in forming your own recognized organization, complete the steps below to prepare your documents for submission on Campus Groups.  

Prior to beginning the application, please read our Graduate Student Organizations Application Guide and familiarize yourself with the hazing policy for clubs and organizations at Brandeis University. The guide will explain how to:

  1. Create a draft constitution.
  2. Obtain member signatures (accessible pdf).
  3. Create a yearlong plan outline.

Note: You will be required to upload all three of these documents to the online application as well as attest that you have read the hazing policy.

Application for Organization Recognition via Campus Groups

In order to add your Graduate Student Organization, you will need to access the link below and use your Brandeis credentials to login.
There are a few things you need in order to complete the registration process:
  1. Complete the About and Mission sections. In the About section, you can add in photos of officers or other content. 
  2. Select the Category for your club. You may select more than one category that matches your organization but you MUST select Graduate Student Clubs as one of the choices. Generally, no more than two choices should be made.
  3. Select Club Standing. You will only select one choice: Graduate Student Organization.
  4. Upload Your Constitution. Each club should upload their constitution. If you do not have one, please reach out to if you would like additional assistance. You can view a draft constitution for an example. 
  5. Campus Reservations Representative. You will need to select at least one person who can make reservations on behalf of your club. 

You can take a look at other clubs and organizations on Campus Groups for ideas on how to set up your club's page. 

If you have any questions or need help with registering your club, please let us know at