Family Resources
Child Care and Schooling
Finding a suitable child-care provider, especially for infants and children under 5, can be extremely challenging. Lemberg Children's Center offers child care for children ages 6 weeks through 6 years old. The center is open to the public and often has a waiting list, so contacting them as soon as possible is recommended for parents interested in enrolling their child.
Health Insurance Options for Students with Dependents
Students who qualify and have signed up for the Student Health Insurance Plan can add dependents in the following ways:
- Add a dependent at the start of the student’s coverage at the beginning of the academic year.
- Add a dependent mid academic year as a qualifying event.
- Note: Students who wish to add dependents either at the start of the academic year or mid year as a qualifying event will need to pay a substantial payment (approximately $10k) in full directly to the insurance company. The health insurance company does not allow for monthly installments. For current dependent rates, please contact University Health Plans at 833-251-1737.
Many students with dependents have had success getting insurance for dependents at a lower cost through MassHealth. Below are resources for searching and applying for a MassHealth plan:
- Massachusetts Health Connector - The Massachusetts Health Connector is an independent agency that helps Massachusetts residents find health insurance coverage. This website offers information about Commonwealth Choice (an online marketplace where you can compare and purchase insurance plans from various carriers) and Subsidized Health Plan (a low-or-no-cost insurance program for qualifying uninsured adults).
- Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee - The CEOC can help you with applying for health insurance like MassHealth, Health Connector plans, Health Safety Net and dental plans through the Massachusetts Health Connector. They can also help people choose the right plan, choose a medical provider, make changes to their coverage if something changes in their lives.
Lactation Stations
Breast-feeding mothers are provided with private spaces throughout campus to express milk for their babies.
PhD Students
Graduate Assistants’ Union Childcare Subsidy:
PhD students who are serving as Teaching Assistants (“TAs”) or Teaching Fellows (“TF”) are eligible for a childcare subsidy, which is a feature of the collective bargaining agreement between the University and the Graduate Assistants’ Union. The University funds the benefit, and the Union will assist in administering childcare subsidies for TAs and TFs. This academic year (2023-2024), the total childcare funds available are $10,000.00, to be split equally between the fall and spring semesters. $5,000.00 will be available in the fall semester. These funds will be distributed equally among TAs and TFs who have minor children, but no individual TA or TF may receive an award larger than $1,000.00 in any semester. Any unused funds from the fall semester will roll over to the spring semester. Should there be unused funds left after the spring semester, these monies will not roll over to the next academic year. If you have issues with your payments, please contact:
- GSAS: Chris Nayler,
- Heller: Ravi Lakshmikanthan,
- Business School: Kelly Forde,
Below, please find some answers to frequently asked questions that will help you better understand childcare benefits available to PhD students at Brandeis.
PhD Student Childcare Benefits
Bright Horizon provides back up childcare support to PhD students. For more information, please visit the Human Resources page on dependent care resources.
Parking Accommodations
Those wishing to request special parking accommodations on campus may call the parking office at 781-736-4250. Due to limited parking on campus, special accommodations cannot be guaranteed.