Treasury Office Hours

Updated on: February 3, 2022

Please refer to Treasury Office Hours Google Docs for the most up-to-date information.

Office Hours are held by appointment over Zoom only.

Spring 2022

Treasurers and Deputy Treasurers

Name Office Hours
Amanda Shneider

(P-Card + Deposits)

Tuesday: 1:30–4:00 PM

Schedule an appointment with Amanda Shneider on Calendly

Josh Hopen


Wednesdays: 10:15–11:30 AM

Thursdays: 8:15–9:30 AM

Schedule an appointment with Josh Hopen on Calendly

Elye Robinovitz


Monday: 4:00–5:00 PM

Thursday: 10:00–11:30 AM

Schedule an appointment with Elye Robinovitz on Calendly

Emily Adelson


Wednesday: 4:30–7:00 PM

Schedule an appointment with Emily Adelson on Calendly

Maggie Chang


Thursday 3:30–6:00 PM

Schedule an appointment with Maggie Chang on Calendly 

Jakey Zackai


Monday 4:00–6:30 PM

Schedule an appointment with Jakey Zackai on Calendly

Assistant Treasurers (Reimbursements Only)


Office Hours

Lauren Barkley

Friday 9:00–10:00 AM

Adam Cohen

Monday: 8:00–9:00 PM

Esther Eisenstat

Monday: 12:00–1:00 PM
Megan Tan Tuesday: 9:00–10:00 AM
Manny Cohen Tuesday: 8:00–9:00 PM

Email the Student Union Treasury if you have any further questions.

Note: Please let your treasurer know in advance if you are planning to make a deposit, as it will require an in-person meeting.

Links to schedule an appointment

Schedule an appointment with Amanda Shneider on Calendly

Schedule an appointment with Josh Hopen on Calendly

Schedule an appointment with Elye Robinovitz on Calendly

Schedule an appointment with Maggie Chang on Calendly

Schedule an appointment with Emily Adelson on Calendly

Schedule an appointment with Jakey Zackai on Calendly