Article II: Union Officers

Section 1

All Student Union Executive Officers, Senators, Allocations Board Members, Justices of the Union Judiciary, and Union Representatives shall be considered as “Union Officers.”

Section 2

  1. Executive Officers shall report before the Senate at least once every two Senate meetings.
  2. All other Union officers shall periodically report before the Senate.
  3. The Senate may, by majority vote, mandate that a particular Union Officer report before the Senate.

Section 3

All Union Officers shall hold weekly office hours, though these office hours may be held on an either appointment or walk-in basis at the discretion of the Union Officer. It shall be the obligation of all Union Officers to respond to all requests for appointment during office hours made to them in a clear and timely manner and to make every effort, within reason, to meet with those persons requesting to make such an appointment.

  1. Executive Officers shall hold five (5) office hours per week.
  2. All Union Representatives, and Members of the Allocations board, shall hold three (3) office hours per week
    1. All Senators shall hold office hours by appointment.
  3. Justices of the Union Judiciary shall hold office hours by appointment, according to their Judiciary duties outlined in the Constitution. Justices shall be available for clarifications of, and discussions about, the Student Union Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 4

Student Representatives shall be appointed to University Committees by the Union President, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

Section 5

All Branch Heads and Senate Committee Chairs must take attendance at meetings to ensure that Union Officers are fulfilling their obligations. 

  1. Each Branch Head shall maintain a publicly accessible attendance document which lists every member and which meetings they have missed. Senate Committee Chairs shall report attendance to the Vice President or Executive Senator in accordance with Article IV, Section 1, Clause B of these Bylaws.

Section 6

The role of abstentions with respect to all branches excluding the Judiciary (whose recusal process is defined in Article IV of the Constitution) shall be defined as follows:

  1. All voting Union Officers shall at any time have the liberty to abstain from any measure placed before them. 
  2. Abstentions shall factor neither in favor, nor against, any measure, excluding motions to impeach, remove, or suspend Union Officers, in which case they shall factor against said motions. 
  3. Members of the Senate and Allocations shall be compelled to abstain from motions concerning organizations in which they hold any kind of elected or appointed position. 
  4. Members of the Senate facing impeachment, as well as those presenting charges of impeachment against them, shall likewise be compelled to abstain. This shall be clearly conveyed to these parties by the Judiciary upon the filing of impeachment charges. 
  5. No circumstances beyond those defined above may be used to compel an abstention, or to punish a lack thereof, however, Senators and members of the Allocations Board are still implored to utilize their judgment, and abstain where possible conflicts of interest exist. 
  6. Should a member of the Senate or Allocations Board find themselves member to an organization whose concerns have been placed for vote before them, but regarding which they find no substantive conflict of interest, they are still urged, but not compelled, to report this matter to their respective branches prior to the vote itself. 
  7. Senators shall not be compelled, nor urged to abstain from resolutions, amendments, or other motions (excluding those denoted above) which they themselves should present.


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