Article VIII: Union Representation

Section 1 – Board of Trustees Representatives

Is as follows:

  1. There shall be two student representatives to the Board of Trustees, each selected by the membership of the Undergraduate Student Body during Spring Round 1 election for a term of two years.
  2. Each representative shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and all assigned committees.
  3. The Board has the discretion to permit the incoming junior representative to attend a portion of the spring plenary session following their election.
  4. There shall be at least one junior and at least one senior representative at all times.
  5. The senior student representative shall sit on the Executive Board.
  6. At least two weeks prior to the Board of Trustees visit, the student representatives will be responsible for organizing some form of outreach to the student body, allowing students to voice their opinions on relevant issues and happenings that affect the student body.

Section 2 – Alumni Association Representatives

Is as follows:

  1. There shall be two student representatives to the Brandeis University Alumni Association, a junior and a senior Representative.
  2. The Representatives shall be appointed annually by the Brandeis University Student Alumni Association by May 30 for a term of 2 academic years.
  3. The appointed Representatives shall appear before the Student Union Senate alongside Executive Board appointments at the beginning of the subsequent fall semester to seek Senate confirmation for the position. The Senate will confirm the appointees to Representatives appointed by the Brandeis University Student Alumni Association.
  4. The representatives shall attend all meetings of the Alumni Association and all assigned committees.
  5. The Representatives shall make a joint report before the Senate at the end of each semester on the Alumni Association Board of Directors’ activity and relevant information to the student body.

Section 3 – Representatives to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Is as follows:

  1. There shall be three student representatives to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 
  2. The Junior Representative shall be selected annually by the Undergraduate Student Body during Spring Round 1 elections for a term of two years and must be a rising junior. The Senior Representative shall be the representative serving in the second year of the term. 
  3. The third representative shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The appointed representative shall have a term of one year. 
  4. Each representative shall attend all meetings of the Undergraduate Curriculum


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