Changes to FAFSA

The 2024-25 FAFSA Simplification

Congress instituted the FAFSA Simplification Act, which was a sweeping redesign of the processes and systems used to award federal student aid. These changes took affect starting with the 24-25 FAFSA. The changes made will be listed below.

Changes in Terminology

  • The EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) will now be the SAI (Student Aid Index).
  • Room and Board will now be referred to as Food and Housing.
  • Parents and/or a student's spouse will now be referred to as Contributors.
  • The Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) has been renamed the Direct Data Exchange (DDX).
  • The Student Aid Report (SAR) is now the FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)

Changes in the FAFSA Itself

  • All students and contributors will be required to give consent for the FAFSA to pull your tax information from the IRS.
  • In cases of divorced or separated parents, the custodial parent is determined by whichever parent contributes more to the student. If the amount contributed is the same then the parent with the higher income will be used.
  • The number of students in college will no longer impact the SAI.
  • All students and contributors will be required to have their own FSA ID to complete their portion of the FAFSA.
  • Parents without an SSN can now create and FSA ID and no longer need to sign a paper copy. Follow this link for more information on getting an FSA ID without an SSN
  • Students can now list up to 20 schools on their FAFSA rather than the previous 10.