Late Fees/Past Due Accounts
Late Fees
Balances unpaid by the due date are subject to registration hold and a late fee.
The amount of the late fee will be $100 or 2% of the outstanding balance, whichever is greater.
Past Due Accounts
Loan awards are not actual until all promissory notes are signed and all requirements including entrance interviews are completed. Unsigned promissory notes will result in cancellation of the award and may result in a balance due.
A student who defaults in the payment of indebtedness to the university shall be subject to suspension and/or dismissal. In addition, the university may refer the debt to an outside collection agency. The debt may also be reported to the national credit bureaus, which may effect your ability to borrow in the future.
The student is responsible for costs associated with the collection of the debt. Such indebtedness includes, but is not limited to, an overdue balance owed to the university or the delinquency of a borrower in repaying a loan administered by the student loan office. See the University Bulletin for additional information.
Returned Check Fee
A $30 fee will be charged for a returned check or electronic payment.