Department of Music

GSS Conference: Call for Papers and Participation

Submission/Application Deadline EXTENDED: March 1, 2019
Conference Dates: June 7-8, 2019
Location: Brandeis University; Waltham, MA (Boston)

The Brandeis Musicology Graduate Student Society is pleased to announce the third biennial Brandeis University Graduate Student Musicology Conference. The conference will be held Friday and Saturday, June 7-8, 2019. The theme of this year’s conference is Forms of Music. Anna Zayaruznaya and Jonathan Kregor will deliver keynote addresses.

Under the broad context of Forms of Music, we invite proposals from current graduate students on all repertoires, musical practices, and historical periods from a broad array of disciplinary and methodological perspectives. Possible subtopics include, but are not limited to: structure, genre, transcription, notation, publishing, paratext, improvisation, quotation, reproduction, recording, Werktreue, timbre, and parody.

Call for Papers:

Abstracts will be reviewed for 20-minute paper presentations, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Please submit abstracts of no more than 350 words to by March 1, 2019. Optionally, proposals may include up to four additional pages of musical examples and should be submitted as a single .pdf file free of content identifying the author. The file name should be the title of the paper. Please include your name, the title of your paper, institutional affiliation, program of study, email address, telephone number, and any audio/visual requirements in the body of your email. Applicants must be graduate students at the time of the deadline to be considered.


On Friday morning, Professor Janet Schmalfeldt will lead an analytical workshop on processual approaches to form in the first movement of Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto, Op. 64. There will be a limited number of slots for the workshop. Students interested in participating will submit a separate email application containing their name, institution, degree program and year therein, and a very brief paragraph describing their experience with form-functional analysis and/or other potentially relevant analytical frames. Participants will be chosen randomly from the pool of qualified applicants. Participants may also present a paper at the conference, but are not required to do so for participation in the workshop. Paper proposals and workshop applications will be reviewed separately.

Additional Details: 

Attendance over the two full days of the conference will be expected from all participants.

There is no registration fee for the workshop or the conference.

Please direct proposals, applications, and any questions to

We look forward to reviewing your proposals!