Hebrew Courses
For students with no previous knowledge and those with a minimal background. Intensive training in the basics of Hebrew grammar, listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Usually offered every semester.
Professor: Esther Shorr
A beginner course for those students with some previous exposure to Hebrew. Builds upon the initial exposure, continuing to teach the basics of grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and writing. Usually offered every fall.
Professor: Esther Shorr
Continuation of HBRW 10a, employing the same methods. Intensive training in Hebrew grammar, listening, comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Several sections offered every semester.
Professor: Guy Antebi or Esther Shorr
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Foreign Language)
A continuation of HBRW 20b. A beginner-intermediate level course that helps students strengthen their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Contemporary cultural aspects will be stressed and a variety of materials will be used. Usually offered every semester.
Professor: Guy Antebi
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Foreign Language, Division of Humanities)
An Advanced Intermediate Hebrew course for students who have acquired an intermediate level of Hebrew and who wish to develop greater fluency in conversation with emphasis on aspects of Israeli Culture. Four class hours per week with additional half an hour to practice speaking skills. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Guy Antebi
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Foreign Language, Division of Humanities)
Reinforces the acquired skills of speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing at the intermediate level. Contemporary cultural aspects are stressed; conversational Hebrew and reading of selections from modern literature. Usually offered every semester.
Professor: Guy Antebi
Usually offered every semester. For more information, email hebrew@brandeis.edu.
HBRW 98a, Independent Study is usually offered every year in the fall. HBRW 98b, Independent Study is usually offered every year in the spring. Signature of the instructor required. For more information, email hebrew@brandeis.edu.
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Foreign Language, Oral Communications)
An advanced-intermediate conversation course for students who wish to improve their speaking skills. Role playing, vocabulary building, and guided speaking activities develop conversational skills for various situations. Reading and discussion of contemporary texts, based on popular Israeli television series, assist in vocabulary building. Usually offered every year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Foreign Language, Division of Humanities, Oral Communications)
An advanced-intermediate conversation course for students who wish to improve their speaking skills. Role playing, vocabulary building, and guided speaking activities develop conversational skills for various situations. Reading and discussion of contemporary texts, based on the popular Israeli TV series, "Yellow Peppers", assist in vocabulary building. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Digital Literacy, Foreign Language, Writing Intensive)
Provides students with tools and competence to deal with the Israeli business community. For advanced-intermediate Hebrew students who wish to gain cultural understanding and business language speaking skills. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Division of Creative Arts, Difference and Justice in the World, Foreign Language, Division of Humanities, Oral Communications, Writing Intensive)
Focuses on critical reading and analysis of authentic and contemporary Israeli short plays and studying the comparison between plays in Israel and those in the U.S. We will examine theories in aspects of drama and implement drama techniques including improvisation, movement, and creative expression. Readings cover topics such as social diversity and justice, as well as human rights and awareness of world identities. The course culminates in the writing of an original scene or one-act play in Hebrew.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Difference and Justice in the World, Foreign Language, Division of Humanities, Writing Intensive)
For advanced-intermediate students who wish to enhance their language proficiency and work toward improving fluency and communication through analysis of selected materials covering literature, poetry, history, politics, and art that depict the unique tradition and culture of Jerusalem. Usually offered every fall.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Foreign Language, Division of Humanities, Writing Intensive)
In this course, Israeli films, media, TV shows (e.g., "Srugim" ), and online resources will be used to promote discussion, enhance oral communication skills, and also broaden cultural awareness and understanding of diverse societal perspectives. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Division of Creative Arts, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Studies in the U.S., Difference and Justice in the World, Foreign Language, Division of Humanities, Oral Communications, Writing Intensive)
Promotes cultural awareness and global understanding through the reading and analysis of plays. Student creativity develops through participation in acting and creative writing assignments. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Digital Literacy, Foreign Language, Division of Humanities)
An advanced course that surveys the origins of the Hebrew language and its development throughout the centuries, focusing on its major stages (biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and modern). Explores the unique phenomenon of its revival as a spoken language and its adaptation to the modern world. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
Fulfills Brandeis Core Requirements (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Studies in the U.S., Difference and Justice in the World, Foreign Language, Division of Humanities, Writing Intensive)
Introduces students to various aspects of Israeli society as portrayed in Israeli films and television. In addition to viewing films, students will be asked to read Hebrew background materials, to participate in class discussions, and to write review and criticism about the films. The course prepares students to deepen their analytical skills in order to gain broader understanding and intercultural knowledge as well as transform their personal and global thinking. Usually offered every second year.
Professor: Sara Hascal
These courses are primarily for graduate students only. For more information, email hebrew@brandeis.edu.