Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Marathon Process?
To receive funding, clubs must submit Budget Requests on Campus Group during the Marathon period. A-Board will hold drop-in and Information sessions to help club leaders submit requests. Please refer to the Finance Handbook to get the details of how to make a budget request on Campus Groups.
Can I request money for an event that already happened?
No. It is against the Allocation Board’s policy to retroactively request funding for an event that already happened. Club may decide to use their fundraising or gift funding to pay for past events post approval from the Budget Analyst.
Why did my Budget Request get denied?
A-Board will always leave a comment on Campus Group when a request is fully or partially denied. For more detailed explanations, see the A-Board funding scope.
We categorize denied requests as follows:
Policy: Something specific that violate policies
Equitability: Too expensive, not necessary to spend this much money
Cost: A single part is too expensive, find a better alternative
Scope: All else (event is unclear, not well planned, etc.)
How much can I expect to receive?
This is a difficult question to answer for a number of reasons. Although we strive for total transparency in our decisions, there are some subjective choices made by the board. In an attempt to stretch our budget as far as we can, we see hundreds of requests at a time and weigh each one against the others.
Each marathon is vastly different from the next in terms of our budget and the number and cost of requests received. While we will always answer and give you reasons for our decisions, we cannot give good estimates before formal decisions are made. Our decisions depend on the budget for the year's marathon, number of clubs applying for the marathon and total requested funding.
How does A-Board make funding decisions?
We try to be fair and consistent in our decisions. For more detailed explanations, see the Allocations Board funding scope.
Some of our guidelines are below:
Is the request an equitable use of Student Activity Fee funds?
Does the request violate any of A-Board’s policies?
Is the request beneficial to Brandeis as a whole?
- How is the cost per person coming out to be?
Can I use extra money from one item to cover the costs of another?
No! In some special circumstances, A-Board may vote to reallocate funding, but in general reallocation must be used only when really needed. Too many reallocation request will be denied as it shows poor planning on the club's behalf.
I have more questions – how can I get answers?
Please email us at We’ll do our best to help!
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Department of Student Engagement
Office Location: Shapiro Campus Center, Room 201