Performance Track and Musical Theater Track
Four semesters:
MUS 101a and b (with 2-credit labs 102a and b) AND
MUS 103a and b (with 2-credit labs 104a and b)
Performance Track
Three semesters:
MUS 131a
MUS 133b
Musical Theater Track
Three semesters:
THA 123A
Select two: MUS 131a, 133b, or 135a
Performance Track
- Three courses in music and/or related disciplines, two of which are performance-oriented.
- See the list of approved track-specific electives in the University Bulletin
Musical Theater Track
Three courses in music or theater with a specific focus on musical theater performance
See the list of approved track-specific electives in the University Bulletin
Four semesters:
MUS 117a and b (Junior Recital)
MUS 118a and b (Senior Recital)
Or MUS 99d by petition (Senior Project)
Four semesters:
Must be taken all four semesters after acceptance in track
MUS 80-89 or 116 (with or without credit)
Keyboard proficiency must be demonstrated by exam by the end of the penultimate semester. Free instruction is available through the Basic Piano program. (no course credit). Check out the latest Keyboard Proficiency Practice Packet and feel free to email if you have any questions.