
If you want to show a movie, then you need to understand and abide by the Federal Copyright Act.

The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be used. Neither the rental nor the purchase of a copy of a copyrighted work carries with it the right to publicly exhibit the work. Parks and recreation departments, colleges, universities, public schools, day care facilities, summer camps, churches, private clubs, prisons, lodges, businesses, etc. are all examples of situations where a public performance license must be obtained, regardless of whether admission is charged, whether the institution is commercial or non-profit or whether a federal, state or local agency is involved.

Copyrighted movies borrowed from other sources such as public libraries, colleges, personal collections, etc. cannot be used legally for showing in colleges or universities or in any other site which is not properly licensed.

Frequently Asked Questions

For any questions regarding copyright law or screening a movie contact the Department of Student Engagement at 781-736-5065.