2017 Spark Projects
Wafaa Arbash (Graduate Student, Heller); Shadi Sheikhsaraf (Graduate Student, Heller); Jennie Kelly (Graduate Student, Heller); Shai Dinnar (Undergraduate Student, Neurosc ience & Business).
WorkAround is an online platform that connects untapped skilled refugee youth with the growing market to deliver online micro tasking such as image tagging and data entry. Users can use different tools of technology such as smartphones or laptops to be able to deliver the tasks.
Huong Le (Graduate Student, Heller); Gail Carter (Graduate Student, Heller); Aaron Cooper (Graduate Student, Heller).
R.E.S.T (Responsible Environmental Tourism & Stewardship) an “edutainment” museum using cutting edge technology (virtual reality, 4D, 360-camera, etc.) to create a multisensory immersive experience, “virtually” bringing people to natural and cultural heritages; So they can enjoy them without destroying them. Our museum starts with the world’s largest cave, Son Doong.
Donald Son (Graduate Student, GPS/Rabb); Trevor Zwick (External); Ak hilesh Kumar (External).
HerbDx provides quality assurance testing for cannabis such as potency, terpenes, pesticides, microbials and others for public safety and to meet state regulations in California.
Kevin Sun (Undergraduate Student, Economics, Business); Gavin Yahna (Undergraduate Student, Computer Science); Vince Lauffer (Undergraduate Student, Business & Computer Science); Sigal Sax (Undergraduate Student, Computer Science); Mike Makivic (Undergraduate Student, Computer Science).
IntraLeagues introduces an intramural, intercollegiate gaming league that hopes to provide casual gamers with a competitive gaming experience.
Eduardo Beltrame (Alumni, Biophysics, CAS); Rian Reis (UFSC, Brazil); Patrick Machado (Unisul, Brazil); Matheus Santos (Estacio, Brazil); Debarshi Nan dy (Faculty, Brandeis International Business School).
Laissez is an innovation management platform that allows everyone in your company team to pitch ideas, review them, and invest in the best ones in a crowdfunding style using an internal currency system. Existing solutions focus heavily on large enterprises, with comprehensive and expensive platforms. By offering a simple and easy to adopt alternative, we are tapping the neglected market segment of innovation management for small and growing companies.
Discovery Teaching
William Tarimo, PhD. (Alumni, Computer Science, GSAS); Timothy Hickey (Faculty, Computer Science, GSAS); Pito Salas (Faculty, Computer Science,GSAS); Joshua Wilson (Staff, Library and Technology Services); Dan Perlman (Faculty, Biology & Center For Teaching and Learning (CTL), GSAS); Ewen Bazirake, MBA (Alumni, IBS); John Novas (Undergraduate Student, Computer Science & Business); William Feng (Boston University); Kesey Sar (Bentley University).
Discovery Teaching is a classroom application designed to facilitate interactive and dynamic teaching in the classroom. The platform is designed to implement a new method of teaching and learning called Computer-Supported Agile Teaching (CSAT) that was developed in a PhD dissertation. CSAT is a process that allows curriculum content, teaching & learning methods, and personnel in the classroom to co-evolve towards academic excellence through continuous transparency, inspection and adaptation.
Anina Selve (Staff, Schusterman Center for Israel Studies); Philippe Selve (External).
MyAlly is a network alert on a smartphone that is stress-free and is set off when you squeeze it. It lets people you’re close to know you’re in trouble. And not just people you’re close to as in best friends, good pals, or the Resident Assistant on your floor, but literally everyone on the network that’s in your proximity. Everyone on the network is an ally.
Virtuous Reality
Steven Siegel (Alumni, Heller); Rodrigo Moran (Alumni, Heller); Mariam Hassan (Alumni, Heller).
Virtuous Reality produces virtual reality simulations that teach hard and soft skills with a trauma-healing lens. Our aim is to restore dignity to refugees by giving them the tools to obtain gainful employment.