Innovation Ecosystem Resources
Do you have an idea for a new project, startup, invention, art exhibit, product, conference, or other endeavor? Do you just like to explore innovative ideas with others? Do you want to foster innovative thinking among your students? Are you from a company that wants to collaborate with students/faculty or are you looking to hire creative Brandesians? You’ve come to the right place!
Welcome to BLINKIE - the Brandeis Link to Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This is your guide to all things innovation-related on the Brandeis campus and beyond. Take a moment to look around. We have resources for all. Whatever your role, this is the place to get started innovating at Brandeis.

I'm a Student
Whatever your innovative ambitions, Brandeis has the resources to help you launch your career and make an impact!

I'm a Prospective Student
Looking for a school where you can be creative, multidisciplinary and entrepreneurial? Learn how you can innovate at Brandeis.

I'm Faculty, Staff, or a Post-Doc
Connect with innovation resources to be the change you want to see in the world!

I'm an Alum
Become involved with Brandeis Innovation: build your network, reconnect and help the next generation of Brandeis students.

I'm with a Company
Partner with Brandeis Innovation to access talented students, creative staff, and breakthrough technologies.