2019 HackMyPHD Reminder
The HackMyPhD event is
happening soon!
July 18 1pm - 5pm
Brandeis University, Usdan International Lounge
Come to HackMyPhD! This is a compact afternoon event that will introduce entrepreneurship and startups for PhDs and Postdocs in STEM fields. At HackMyPhD, learn about how you can transfer valuable skills that you have gained while completing your Ph.D. Graduate students and postdocs will be enjoying an afternoon of inspiring stories, actionable advice, and informative sessions.
Doctoral students and postdocs, HackMyPhD is for you if:
- You have a current idea for a startup and are curious about how Brandeis can help you launch it
- You want to learn to be more proactive and entrepreneurial in managing your career
Faculty and advisers are encouraged to share this event with doctoral students.
Space is limited. Signups are accepted first-come, first-served, so reserve your spot today.
Make sure to register to take advantage of our Free Headshot session! Headshot sessions are limited to the first 15 people to request a session at the registration desk.
Highlights from the Agenda:
1:00pm - 1:15pm Welcome
- Refreshments
- Complimentary Headshot Session
- Resource Table (GSAS)
1:15pm - 1:30pm Opening Session: Rebecca Menapace
- Welcome Words by Rebecca Menapace, Associate Provost for Innovation and Executive Director of the Office of Technology Licensing and Hassenfeld Family Innovation Center
- Run through of the day, Bozhanka Vitanova, NSF I-Corps™ Instructor
- Ice-breaker, Fern Shamis, Program Coordinator
1:30pm - 2:30pm Panel - Advice To Our Student Selves & Real Opportunities Beyond Academia
Panelists Discuss:
- Advice I would give my younger self
- Career arcs
- How My Ph.D. prepared me for entrepreneurship
- Nathan Cohen, Ph.D. (Brandeis BS '77)
- Anne Joseph, Ph.D. '16
- Sean Kevlahan, Ph.D.
- Christalyn Rhodes, Ph.D.
- David Waterman, Ph.D. '18
2:30pm - 3:30pm NSF I-CORPS ™ Fellows Presentations
- I-Corps™ Fellows' presentation speed rounds
3:30pm - 4:30pm Voting & Roundtable Discussions with Panelists
- Vote on your Favorite Presentation
- Table talks with Panelists
- Career Brainstorming
4:30pm - 5:00pm Closing Remarks & Networking
- Closing Remarks by Bozhanka Vitanova
- Results of Voting on the Fellowship Presentations
- Networking