2019 HackMyPHD Reminder
The HackMyPhD event is
happening soon!
Highlights from the Agenda:
1:00pm - 1:15pm Welcome
- Refreshments
- Complimentary Headshot Session
- Resource Table (GSAS)
1:15pm - 1:30pm Opening Session: Rebecca Menapace
- Welcome Words by Rebecca Menapace, Associate Provost for Innovation and Executive Director of the Office of Technology Licensing and Hassenfeld Family Innovation Center
- Run through of the day, Bozhanka Vitanova, NSF I-Corps™ Instructor
- Ice-breaker, Fern Shamis, Program Coordinator
1:30pm - 2:30pm Panel - Advice To Our Student Selves & Real Opportunities Beyond Academia
Panelists Discuss:
- Advice I would give my younger self
- Career arcs
- How My Ph.D. prepared me for entrepreneurship
- Nathan Cohen, Ph.D. (Brandeis BS '77)
- Anne Joseph, Ph.D. '16
- Sean Kevlahan, Ph.D.
- Christalyn Rhodes, Ph.D.
- David Waterman, Ph.D. '18
2:30pm - 3:30pm NSF I-CORPS ™ Fellows Presentations
- I-Corps™ Fellows' presentation speed rounds
3:30pm - 4:30pm Voting & Roundtable Discussions with Panelists
- Vote on your Favorite Presentation
- Table talks with Panelists
- Career Brainstorming
4:30pm - 5:00pm Closing Remarks & Networking
- Closing Remarks by Bozhanka Vitanova
- Results of Voting on the Fellowship Presentations
- Networking