Infographic: Diversity in STEM
Lack of diversity is one of the most important issues facing the field of STEM today. Though STEM jobs are growing faster than any other U.S. sector, white males still dominate it, making up 69% of the workforce. Perhaps as a result of unequal educational opportunities, or not feeling like it’s a viable career option, only 7% of African Americans, with a Bachelor’s degree or higher, work in STEM. (Hispanics comprise 6%.) Furthermore, underrepresented groups in this field often feel alienated or unwelcome: 45% of women leave the industry within their first year of employment, citing a hostile work environment. Women face financial as well as social tension. They earn, on average, about $16k less than men in STEM. With sobering statistics like these in mind, Brandeis University is utilizing some of its influence in this field to promote inclusivity. We are proud to announce that 100% of teams newly funded by Brandeis Innovation in 2017-2018 are diverse.