Department of Romance Studies


This video features one image with voice over. 

Image: Professor Julio Ariza sits in front of the camera and speaks to us.


Hello, my name is Julio Ariza, and I am here to invite you to attend this course during the Fall: “La extracción.” I am very excited about teaching this course because it took me years of research gathering all the material, and I am sure that it will captivate you as much as I was captivated by the topic. This is a topic (voy a continuar en español), este es un topic, un tema, que nos atraviesa a todos nosotros: la experiencia moderna es la experiencia de la extracción. Y en este nuevo milenio, esa experiencia se ha vuelto intensa e inescapable. No podemos escapar de esta forma del Ser moderno que es la extracción. Todos sentimos en nuestros cuerpos la lógica de la extracción. A esta extracción de la que yo hablo, la estudio desde la época colonial en adelante. Estamos ahora sufriendo las consecuencias de una lógica que se implantó durante el colonialismo. En este curso vamos a abordar esta experiencia desde el punto de vista de su representación estética. “La extracción” no es un curso sobre Biología o estrictamente sobre Historia. Aunque sí, es un curso muy interdisciplinario y veremos, por qué no, biología, historia, pero, sobre todo, arte: las diversas formas de representar la extracción desde América latina. Así que, bueno, va a ser súper interesante, vamos a tener en clase invitados especiales (vía Zoom seguramente): directores de cine, escritores, etc. Mis clases son muy dinámicas, este va a ser un espacio en el que todos vamos a aportar algo. Los espero, las puertas de mi clase están abiertas para todos y va a ser una experiencia compartida de la cual seguramente vamos a aprender muchísimo. 

English Translation:

Hello, my name is Julio Ariza, and I am here to invite you to attend this course during the Fall: “La extracción.” I am very excited about teaching this course because it took me years of research gathering all the material, and I am sure that it will captivate you as much as I was captivated by the topic. (I will continue in Spanish) This is a topic  that runs through all of us: the modern experience is the experience of extraction. And in this new millennium, that experience has become intense and inescapable. We cannot escape from this form of modern Being that is extraction. We all feel in our bodies the logic of extraction. This extraction of which I speak, at least I study from the colonial era onwards. We are now suffering the consequences of a logic that was implanted during colonialism. In this course, we are going to address this experience from the point of view of its aesthetic representation. "The Extraction" is not a course on Biology or strictly on History. Although yes, it is a very interdisciplinary course and we will see, why not, biology, history, but, above all, art: the many ways of representing extraction from Latin America. So, well, it's going to be super interesting, we're going to have special guests in class (via Zoom surely): film directors, writers, etc. My classes are very dynamic, this is going to be a space in which we are all going to contribute something. I wait for you, the doors of my class are open to everyone and it will be a shared experience from which we will surely learn a lot.