"I've had an amazing experience with the Brandeis GSAS Professional Development team throughout my journey from a Master's student to completing my PhD. Marika and her team were instrumental in refining my resume, preparing me for interviews, and guiding me through job offer negotiations. Thanks to their support, I was able to complete 2 internships and secure a full-time job offer before graduation.”--Víctor Manuel Suárez Casanova, PhD Student in Neuroscience, Staff Scientist, Patent & Intellectual Property Department, Choate Hall & Stewart, LLP.

“It’s been especially useful to have the personalized attention and interdisciplinary perspective of professionals outside of my field. The workshops, panel discussions, and 1-1 meetings have provided me with a broader understanding of the diverse opportunities available to me as a graduate student and have played a crucial role in my overall professional growth.”--Jessi Brewer, PhD Student in English.

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Strategy and Self-Assessment

Explore Career Paths

Resumes and Cover Letters

Preparing for an Interview

Internships and Networking

Getting a PhD requires gaining expertise in a particular subject area. However getting a job after the PhD requires you demonstrating work experience in addition to your expertise. 

The best way to get work experience is in an internship or part-time work. It is often possible to get internships that are related to your research area. That way, your work experience benefits your research, and vice versa.