The Rena J. Olshansky ‘56 Grant
The Olshansky Grant will be awarded for the undergraduate or graduate project deemed best able to contribute new knowledge or understanding of any aspect of Jewish family life past or present. We encourage research topics in fields as diverse as sociology, history, anthropology, religion, education, American studies, Israel or middle eastern studies, biblical studies, literature or the arts.
Stipend and Duties
The grant is designed to fund original research using the library, laboratory, or community.
Undergraduate and graduate students in all years may apply. You do not have to be enrolled in the WGS program, but the project is expected to take women and gender into account. Research proposals connected with dissertations, MA papers, senior projects or theses are eligible.
Completed application includes:
- Application cover sheet signed by faculty advisor after proposal review
- A two-page project description including:
- critical issues covered by your research and importance to your field
- method, research design or procedure
- ways that this research examines Jewish family life
- how the grant will impact your research
- Itemization of proposed research costs
- Transcript and resume/CV
Applications are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- Strength and coherency of the research project’s presentation.
- Project’s significance and original contribution to the field of Jewish family life.
- Student’s demonstrated knowledge of relevant research sources and skills required to perform research (i.e. skills in quantitative methods, knowledge of foreign language, etc.).
- Proposed budget is justifiable and accurately represents project design and purpose.