Affiliated Faculty

Andie Berry
Andie Berry
Assistant Professor of Theater Arts
781-736-3415 Spingold Theater Center, 9
Elizabeth Bradfield
Elizabeth Bradfield
Associate Professor of the Practice of English
Co-director, Creative Writing Program
781-736-2145 Rabb Graduate Center, 206

Expertise: Queer poetics, ecopoetics, innovative literary publishing paradigms

Susan Dibble
Susan Dibble
Louis, Frances and Jeffrey Sachar Professor of Creative Arts
781-736-3415 Spingold Theater Center, 3

Expertise: Movement for the actor, historical dance and movement styles, modern dance, composition and choreography, clown, mask, Rudolf Laban and Francois Delsarte movement theory and systems, history of dance and movement training, lecturer in dance composition, poetry, literature, design and the visual arts serving as sources for creating dance movement theater and the creative process

M. Cristina Espinosa
M. Cristina Espinosa
Associate Professor, Heller School for Policy and Management
781-736-7660 Heller-Brown Building, 110159

Expertise: Gender, culture and austainable sevelopment/conservation, gender, livelihoods and social differentiation, globalization, gender and livelihoods, Indigenous peoples and ethnicity in development, ethnic spirituality and health

Matthew Fraleigh
Matthew Fraleigh
Associate Professor of East Asian Literature and Culture
781-736-3229 Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for the Humanities, 115

Expertise: Classical and modern Japanese literature and language, cultural and literary exchange between China and Japan, literature of travel, Sinitic poetry, prose in East Asia

Thomas A. King
Thomas A. King
Associate Professor of English
781-736-2149 Rabb Graduate Center, 24

Expertise: 17th- and 18th-century English literary and cultural studies, Renaissance drama, theatre and performance studies, gender, sexuality, and queer studies

Adrianne Krstansky
Adrianne Krstansky
Associate Professor of Theater Arts
781-736-3342 Spingold Theater Center, 107

Expertise: Acting, improvisation, viewpoints and Suzuki, collaborative process/devising, directing, women playwrights

Nidhiya Menon
Nidhiya Menon
Associate Professor of Economics
781-736-2230 Sachar International Center, 202

Expertise: Development economics, applied microeconomics, health, gender, labor, demography

Robin Feuer Miller
Robin Feuer Miller
Edytha Macy Gross Professor of Humanities
781-736-3192 Shiffman Humanities Center, 215

Expertise: The novel in Russia and Europe of the 19th century, the short story in Russia, the literature of childhood and children's literature

Headshot of Professor Paul Morrison
Paul Morrison
Professor of English
Undergraduate Advising Head
781-736-2147 Rabb 233
Office Hours: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Mondays and by appointment

Expertise: Modernism, literary criticism and theory, cultural studies, sexuality, film studies

Madadh Richey
Madadh Richey
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible
781-736-2957 Lown 309
Rajesh Sampath
Rajesh Sampath
Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Justice, Rights, and Social Change
781-736-5338 Heller-Brown 157

Expertise: General topics in ethics, applied ethics, and moral and political philosophy, philosophy of development, comparative religions, comparative humanities, theories of justice, development ethics, philosophy of law, comparative constitutional law, critical race theory, gender and sexuality studies, Indigenous rights, minority rights, theories of human rights, theories of democracy, sovereignty, and the state

David Sherman
David Sherman
Associate Professor of English
781-736-8214 Rabb Graduate Center, 136

Expertise: Global modernism, elegy and the politics of commemoration, public sphere gheory, comedy, literature in the criminal justice system, literature and philosophy

Marion Smiley
Marion Smiley
J.P. Morgan Chase Professor of Ethics
Professor of Philosophy; Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
781-736-2792 Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for the Humanities, 110
Pronouns: she/her

Expertise: Moral, social and political philosophy, feminist theory

Miriam Sheibani
Miriam Sheibani
Assistant Professor of Islamic Thought
Lown Center for Judaica Studies, 209
Sara Shostak
Sara Shostak
Associate Professor of Sociology
781-736-2213 Pearlman Hall, 207

Expertise: Sociology of health and illness, science and technology studies, environmental sociology, research methods

Siri Suh
Siri Suh
Assistant Professor of Sociology
781-736-2635 Pearlman Hall 102
Office Hours: Noon-2:30 p.m. Fridays

Expertise: Sociology of health and illness, aociology of reproduction, critical studies of global health, science and technology studies (STS), research methods, Sub-Saharan Africa

Howie Tam
Howie Tam
Assistant Professor of English
781-736-4726 Rabb 239

Expertise: Asian American literature and film, Vietnam War literature and film, critical refugee studies, queer of color criticism, Vietnamese studies, critical race studies of the United States and France