Group of students throwing snowballs at the camera

Playing in the snow during 2024 Midyear Move-In Day

Students admitted to the midyear class have a unique opportunity to pursue experiences that other students may not enjoy until later in their college careers. There is no single roadmap for midyear students, and the best advice we can give is to follow your interests and take advantage of your independence. 

Midyear students typically spend their fall semester in one of a variety of pursuits that they and their families feel will provide them with a productive and fulfilling experience before entering Brandeis. Some find jobs or internships, while others take classes at a college or university near their home. Some students have used the time to study in another part of the country or the world. The Brandeis community is vastly enriched when midyear students bring these experiences with them to campus.

Some midyear students have spent their fall semester:

  • On Capitol Hill working for their congressperson
  • Fundraising for worthy social-service organizations
  • Working in their synagogue or church
  • Volunteering or working in a hospital
  • Interning at a museum
  • Volunteering for a suicide prevention and emotional support call line
  • Volunteering on a kibbutz
  • Working at a local news station
  • Studying abroad in Florence or London


Taking Courses Before Enrolling at Brandeis

Midyear students may enroll in a non-degree-seeking program at a regionally accredited, degree-granting institution prior to matriculating at Brandeis. The Office of the University Registrar at Brandeis can help you determine, before you enroll in fall classes, whether you will receive credit for such coursework and whether those courses will fulfill Brandeis academic requirements.

Fall Midyear Programs

Brandeis works with two fall off-campus study programs that are tailored specifically to meet the academic and social interests of all Midyear students. Currently, Brandeis affiliates with programs in London, run by Arcadia University's College of Global Studies, and Florence, run by CET Academic Programs. Students spend this semester taking courses that will transfer for credit upon arriving on campus in the spring. 

Learn more about Midyear Programs