Transcript Holds

Transcript holds prevent current and former students from obtaining transcripts. Holds can be viewed in a student's Academics Worklet in Workday and in their Student Profile in Workday.  

  • When ordering an official electronic transcript: Holds must be resolved before you can place an e-transcript order via the National Student Clearinghouse.
  • When ordering a paper transcript in Workday: All holds must be removed before students are allowed to enter the transcript request.
  • When ordering a paper transcript via the transcript request form (PDF): Students must contact the Registrar's Office once all holds are removed before the request can be processed.

The following is a listing of common transcript holds:

Hold Explanation Contact Information
No Exit Interview Student Financial Services holds
Course Evaluation Incomplete Evaluation holds are placed once course evaluations become available. Within 2-3 hours of completing all course evaluations, the hold is removed.
Transcript Moratorium Transcript moratorium holds affect graduating students a week or two before graduation. The hold is lifted on the day the degree is conferred.
Super Hold Registrar's Office hold

Athletics Hold

Your account is on hold due to unreturned apparel and/or equipment from the Department of Athletics. Contact the equipment coordinator in the Athletics department.