Office of the University Registrar

Course Planning and Scheduling

University Bulletin, Course Catalog and Course Scheduling

At the beginning of every academic year we ask departments and programs to start planning for the next academic year. University Bulletin updates and the schedule of classes submissions have different deadlines, and we ask faculty and administrators to be aware of these deadlines in submitting updates. Please refer to the supporting materials below for additional information.

Statement on the Use of Academic Classroom Space

Classrooms are shared university space. The Office of the University Registrar does its utmost to schedule classes based on the various needs of the Brandeis community. Please be mindful that all classroom requests and preferences may not be honored as classroom inventory is limited on campus. The Office of the University Registrar reserves the right to modify classroom assignments based on the demands of the university. In the case of an emergency, the Office of the University Registrar has the authority to relocate classrooms based on need.

Supporting Materials


New Course Approvals

  • Instructions: Submitting New Courses
  • New Course Approval Form
  • Faculty Toolkit and Accessible Syllabus Template
    Faculty who are teaching in-person or hybrid courses are required to include the following sentences in syllabi:

    All students in this class are required to observe the university's policies on physical distancing and mask-wearing to support the health and safety of all classroom participants. Face coverings must be worn by all students and instructors in classes with in-person meetings. Students and faculty must also maintain the appropriate 6 feet of physical distance from one another when entering, exiting, or being in the classroom and continue to sit in seats assigned by the professor to assist the university in its contract-tracing efforts. All faculty and students must also clean their work areas before and after each class session, using the sanitizing wipes provided by the University. (All classrooms will also be professionally cleaned by Brandeis custodial staff multiple times per day.)

Existing Course Changes

Course Scheduling and Compliance

Block Chart

Bulletin Revisions

Additional Information on General University Requirements

University Studies Committees

Additional Resource Links