Brandeis Library Research Support
Research skills training for undergraduates (both new and continuing researchers)
Even if you are new to research, the Library is here to support you. In addition to subject librarians who can assist with literature reviews and searching, the Library staff includes specialists in data analysis, GIS, and digital scholarship who can meet to discuss topics such as text analysis and mapping.
- Register for workshops covering R, Text analysis, data visualization and more
- Check out our Guides to getting started with:
- Check out the Tool Finder on the new DS Hub website. This is an entry-level set of guides and tutorial, organized for different types of data and sources (e.g. texts, images, etc.).Check
- Stop by our weekly Digital Scholarship Collab Labs to discuss projects making use of ArcGIS, text analysis, Excel and Access databases, digital data creation, data management, digitizing datasets, QGIS, data discovery, data management, and more.
- Email or schedule a consultation:
Margarita Corral, Data Analysis Specialist, | Appointment calendar
Ford Fishman, Data Analysis Specialist for Science, | Appointment calendar
Natalie M. Susmann, Digital Scholarship Librarian, | Appointment calendar
Alex Willett, GIS and Social Sciences Librarian, | Appointment calendar
Not sure whom to contact? Email one of us and we’ll connect you with the support for your project!