Forthcoming Profile Improvements

Last updated: September 21, 2022 at 11:39 AM

We have already identified and requested a number of refinements from the vendor, based on early user feedback and the project team’s own assessment of the profiles and user experience.  

Following is a list of pending items on which we are activity engaging with the vendor:


Courses taught are currently listed under Activities (along with Service and other activities).  We are actively engaging with the vendor to bring about further improvements so that courses taught are more prominently displayed.


Honors are currently displayed from the oldest to the newest, by default. We have requested that the default display order be reversed so that honors are listed from newest to oldest.


Currently, only funding associated with a publication may be entered.  We will expand upon this, bringing more complete funding data into profiles from Sponsored Programs Accounting other sources in the future.

In the Media

Currently, this feature is not self-service, so faculty and researchers are not able to add media appearances to their profile. Once this functionality is available, a notification will be sent out to all users that they are able to update their media page.


A field will be added so that faculty and researchers may enter their pronouns.