Office of the University Registrar

In-Person Final Exams for Fall 2022 with rooms

Class Instructor Format Date Time Room(s) Assigned
AMST 35A-1 - Hollywood and American Culture Doherty Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G03
AMST 131B-1 - News on Screen Doherty Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 216
AMST/ENG 47A-1 - Frontier Visions: The West in American Literature and Culture Tharaud Presentations 12-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G12
ARBC 10A-1 - Beginning Arabic I Khashaba Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 122
ARBC 30A-1 - Intermediate Arabic I Khashaba Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 122
BCHM 101A-1 - Advanced Biochemistry: Enzyme Mechanisms Oprian Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Abelson 126
BIOL 14A- sect. 1-4, 10 - Genetics and Genomics Woodruff Presentations 14-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 121
BIOL 14A- sect 5-8, 11 - Genetics and Genomics Woodruff Presentations 13-Dec 9:00AM Gerstenzang 121
BIOL 23A-1 - Ecology Hitchcock Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Gerstenzang 124
BIOL 32A-1 - Field Biology Rullman Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Rosenstiel 118
BIOL 50B-1 - Animal Behavior Hitchcock Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM SSC LL16
BIOL 51A-1 - Biostatistics Piasta Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Gerstenzang 124
BIOL 101A-1 - Molecular Biotechnology Woodruff Presentations 12-Dec 6:00PM SSC GL14, SSC LL16
BIOL 220A-1 - Clinical Genetics II Lincoln Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 135
BUS 6A-1 - Financial Accounting Weihs Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 122
BUS 6A-2-3 - Financial Accounting Khaitan Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 123
BUS 51A-1 - Introduction to Data Analytics with Excel Nemutlu Presentations 14-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 054
BUS 71A-2 - Introduction to Finance Bergstresser Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Lemberg 054
BUS 114A-1 - Managerial Accounting Weihs Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Gerstenzang 124
BUS 135A-1 - Real Estate and Society Sadruzzaman Presentations 13-Dec 9:00AM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
BUS 152A-1 - Marketing Management Thomas Final Exam 16-Dec 9:00AM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
BUS 215F-2 - Python and Applications to Business Analytics LeBaron Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
BUS 235F-1 - Real Estate Fundamentals Sadruzzaman Presentations 15-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
BUS/FIN 241A-1 - Machine Learning and Data Analysis for Business and Finance LeBaron Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 55
CBIO 106B-1 - Chemical Biology: Medicinal Enzymology Hedstrom Presentations 13-Dec 9:00AM SSC LL16
CHEM 11A-1-3 - General Chemistry I Novack Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM G'zang 121,122, 123, Golding 110, Schwartz 112
CHEM 15A-1 - Honors General Chemistry I Gieseking Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Gerstenzang 123
CHEM 25A-1, 2 - Organic Chemistry I Murray Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Gerstanzang 121, 122, 123, 019
CHEM 134B-1 - Advanced Organic Chemistry: Synthesis Ting Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Volen 119
CHEM 135A-1 - Advanced Organic Chemistry: Modern Catalytic Reactions in Organic Synthesis Krauss Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM SSC GL14
CHEM 141A-1 - Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics Schmidt-Rohr Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Volen 119
Gerstenzang 122
CHIN 10A-1-3 - Beginning Chinese I Wei Final Exam 12-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G03
CHIN 30A-1-3 - Intermediate Chinese Lu Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G3
CLAS 170A-1 - Classical Mythology Swist Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 101
COSI 10A-1 - Introduction to Problem Solving in Python Hickey Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Olin-Sang 101
COSI 102A-1 - Software Entrepreneurship Salas Presentations 13-Dec 9:00AM Abelson 131
COSI 135B-1 - Computational Semantics Lai Presentations 14-Dec 6:00PM Volen 119
COSI 164A-1 - Introduction to 3-D Animation Hickey Presentations 12-Dec 6:00PM Olin-Sang 101
COSI 166B-1 - Capstone Project for Software Engineering Salas Presentations 14-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 124
ECON 2A-1 - A Survey of Economics Clarke Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Olin-Sang 101 (Auditorium)
ECON 10A-1-2 - Introduction to Microeconomics Clarke Final Exam 16-Dec 9:00AM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
ECON 20A-1 - Introduction to Macroeconomics Redenius Final Exam 14-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 101 (Auditorium)
ECON 25A-1-3 - Oral Communication in Economics Practicum Eizman Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
ECON 28B-1 - The Global Economy Redenius Final Exam 12-Dec 6:00PM Golding 110
ECON 65B-1 - Governance, Bureaucracy and Economic Development Habibi Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Golding 101
ECON 69A-1 - The Economics of Race and Gender Brainerd Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Pollack 1 (Auditorium)
ECON 76B-1 - Labor Economics Brainerd Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
ECON 80A-1 - Microeconomic Theory Shiller Final Exam 13-Dec 9:00AM Golding 110
ECON 82B-1, 2 - Macroeconomic Theory Eden Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 055
ECON 83A-2, 3 - Statistics for Economic Analysis Miller Final Exam 16-Dec 9:00AM Gerstenzang 123
ECON 135A-1 - Industrial Organization Shiller Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM Golding 110
ECON 155B-1 - Change on Earth: Evolution, Technical Change, and Economics Jefferson Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G11
ECON 160A-1 - International Trade Theory Eizman Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
ECON 161A-1 - International Macroeconomics and Finance Hall Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
ECON 184B-1, 2 - Econometrics Akbari Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Pollack 1 (Auditorium)
ECON 207A-1-2 - Managerial Economics Hsiaw Final Exam 14-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G03
ECON 213A-1-3 - Applied Econometrics with R Pettenuzzo Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
ECON 301A-1 - Advanced Microeconomics I Hsiaw Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
ECON 303A-1 - Advanced Macroeconomics I Hall Final Exam 16-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 054
ECON/FIN 210A-1 - The Psychology of Finance Osler Final Exam 13-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 054
ED 232A-1 - Elementary Teaching & Learning II: Literacy Kramer Theodorou Presentations 14-Dec 6:00PM ASAC 209
ED 242A-1 - Pedagogy in the Disciplines II Tobar Presentations 13-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 216
ED 242A-3 - Pedagogy in the Disciplines II Grover Presentations 13-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 216
ENG 19A-1 - Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop Olayiwola Presentations 13-Dec 1:30PM Olin-Sang 112
ENG 62A- 1 - Documentary: Techniques and Controversies Schratz Presentations 14-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G12
ENG 109A-1 - Poetry Workshop Olayiwola Presentations 9-Dec 1:30PM Olin-Sang 201
ENVS 20a-1 - Introduction to Climate Change and Health Ukawuba Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Lown 203
FA 8A-1 - Introduction to Video Art woods Presentations 9-Dec 1:30PM Pollack 1 (Auditorium)
FA 118A-1 - Studio Seminar woods Presentations 15-Dec 1:30PM Goldman-Schwartz 115
FA 165A-1 - Contemporary Art Dalton Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Epstein 139
FA 192A-1 - Studies in Modern and Contemporary Art: Contemporary Art Along the Belt and Road Kalb Presentations 12-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G10
FIN 201A-3 - Investments Xia Presentations 12-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FIN 204A-1 - Advanced Corporate Finance Theory and Practice Nandy Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 054
FIN 204A-2 - Advanced Corporate Finance Theory and Practice Abdurezak Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 055
FIN 204A-3 - Advanced Corporate Finance Theory and Practice Scherbina Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
FIN 212A-1, 2 - Accounting and Financial Analysis Anderson Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Olin-Sang 101 (Auditorium)
FIN 212A-3 - Accounting and Financial Analysis Khaitan Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
FIN 217F-1 - Corporate Financial Modeling Abdurezak Presentations 9-Dec 9:00AM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
FIN 236F-1 - Technical Analysis Kolovos Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FIN 240A-1 - Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Finance Nandy Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FIN 261A-1 - Fixed Income Securities Bergstresser Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FIN 263A-1 - International Portfolio Management Leu Final Exam 12-Dec 6:00PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FIN 270A-1 - Options and Derivatives Becker Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FIN 280A-1 - Financial Risk Management Reitano Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Sachar 116 (Int'l Hall)
FIN 285A-1 - Computer Simulations and Risk Assessment Becker Final Exam 14-Dec 9:00AM Lemberg 180 (Lee Hall)
FREN 32A-1, 2 - Intermediate French: Conversation Niehaus Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G03
FREN 104B-1 - Advanced Language Skills through Culture Harder Presentations 15-Dec 9:00AM Shiffman 216
FREN 105A-1 - The Francophone World Today: Advanced Language Skills through Culture II Harder Presentations 14-Dec 9:00AM Shiffman 216
GER 30A-2 - Intermediate German Singh Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Lown 302
HIST 56B-1 - Rethinking World History (to 1960) Sreenivasan Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G12
HIST 103A-1 - Roman History to 455 CE Kapelle Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 201
HIST 112B-1 - The Crusades and the Expansion of Medieval Europe Kapelle Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Olin-Sang 201
HIST 160A-1 - American Legal History I Willrich Final Exam 16-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G03
HIST 168B-1 - America in the Progressive Era: 1890-1920 Willrich Final Exam 13-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 116
HSSP 116A-1 - Health Workforce Policy and Practice Donelan Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Heller G2
HUM 7A- 1- Challenges of Power and the Self: Visual Arts and Literature Singh, Kalb Presentations 15-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G12
IGS 8A-1 - Economic Principles and Globalization Goodhart Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Abelson 131
JAPN 10A-1-3 - Beginning Japanese Fujiwara Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G03
JAPN 10A-4 - Beginning Japanese Tamaki Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G03
JAPN 30A-1-2 - Intermediate Japanese Nakano Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G03
JAPN 105A-1 - Advanced Conversation and Composition I Nakano Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G03
KOR 10A-1-2 - Beginning Korean Lee Final Exam 13-Dec 9:00AM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
KOR 30A-1 - Intermediate Korean Lee Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 201
KOR 105A-1 - Advanced Conversation and Composition I Rim Ku Final Exam 12-Dec 6:00PM Golding 109
LAT 30A-1 - Intermediate Latin: Literature Swist Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Olin-Sang 124
LAT 119B-1 - Ovid Swist Final Exam 14-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 116
LGLS 10A-1 - Introduction to Law Breen Final Exam 14-Dec 9:00AM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
LGLS 138B-1 - Science on Trial Breen Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G03
LGLS 189A-1 - Business Law Breen Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 101
LING 100A-1 - Introduction to Linguistics Plaster Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
LING 105A-1 - Phonetics Plaster Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 124
LING 120B-1 - Syntax I Goldberg Presentations 12-Dec 1:30PM Volen 119
LING 195A-1 - Introduction to Research in Linguistics and Computational Linguistics Goldberg Presentations 12-Dec 9:00AM Volen 119
MATH 5A-1-2 - Precalculus Mathematics Torrey Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Gerstenzang 124
MATH 10A-1-8- Techniques of Calculus (a) Torrey Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM Gerstenzang 123, Abelson 131
MATH 10B-1-3, 5 - Techniques of Calculus (b) Merrill Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
MATH 15A-1, 3 - Applied Linear Algebra Abbott Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Gerstenzang 123
MATH 15A-2 - Applied Linear Algebra Xin Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Gerstenzang 121
MATH 22A-1 - Honors Linear Algebra and Multi-variable Calculus, Part I Lian Final Exam 12-Dec 9:00AM Goldsmith 300
MATH 23B-1 - Introduction to Proofs Offen Final Exam 12-Dec 6:00PM Goldsmith 317
MATH 31A-1 - Abstract Linear Algebra Bar-Natan Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Goldsmith 117
MATH 35A-1 - Advanced Calculus and Fourier Analysis Gindi Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Golding 110
MATH 36A-1 - Probability Shi Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 122
MATH 110A-1 - Introduction to Real Analysis, Part I Gindi Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Abelson 131
MUS 101A-1 - Western Classical and Popular Music I: How It's Made, Part 1 Casinghino Presentations 12-Dec 1:30PM Slosberg 212
MUS 103A-1 - Western Classical and Popular Music II: How It's Made, Part 1 Berger Presentations 14-Dec 1:30PM Slosberg 107
NBIO 140B-1 - Principles of Neuroscience Vladis Final Exam 12-Dec 1:30PM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
NEJS 5A-1 - How Did Biblical Judaism Evolve into Modern Judaism? Kimelman Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Lown 203
NEJS 12A-1 - Who Wrote the Bible? Richey Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Schwartz 103
NEJS 18A-1 - Understanding Evil and Human Destiny Kimelman Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Lown 203
NEJS 30A-1 - Reading the New Testament: Origins and Communities of Faith Brooks Hedstrom Presentations 13-Dec 1:30PM Mandel 228
NPSY 199A-1 - Human Neuropsychology Mitchell Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 124
PHIL 1A-1 - Introduction to Philosophy Tal Final Exam 12-Dec 6:00PM Shiffman 125
PHIL 6A-1 - Introduction to Symbolic Logic Tal Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G03
PHIL 17A-1 - Introduction to Ethics Smiley Final Exam 9-Dec 1:30PM Shiffman 219
PHIL 35A-1 - Philosophy of Science Epstein Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 124
PHIL 112A-1 - Social Contract Theory and its Critics Smiley Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Lown 201
PHIL 114B-2 - Topics in Ethical Theory: Ethics of Technology Kokot Presentations 13-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G12
PHYS 10A-1 - Introduction to Physical Laws and Phenomena I Mistark Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Gerstenzang 123
PHYS 11A-1 - Introductory Physics I Yevick Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Abelson 131
PHYS 15A-1 - Advanced Introductory Physics I Apyan Final Exam 14-Dec 9:00AM Gerstenzang 122
PHYS 30A-1 - Electromagnetism Mistark Final Exam 13-Dec 6:00PM Abelson 126
PHYS 31B-1 - Quantum Theory II Fell Final Exam 16-Dec 1:30PM Abelson 229
PHYS 162A-1 - Quantum Mechanics I Lawrence Final Exam 9-Dec 9:00AM Abelson 229
PHYS 163A-1 - Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics Baskaran Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Abelson 229
POL 10A-1 - Introduction to Political Theory Yack Final Exam 13-Dec 9:00AM Mandel G03
POL 11B-1 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Wilson Final Exam 14-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G03
POL 15A-1 - Introduction to International Relations Joyce Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Mandel G03
POL 144A-1 - Latin American Politics Trelles Presentations 14-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G12
PSYC 33A-1 - Developmental Psychology Snyder Final Exam 15-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 101
PSYC 34B-1 - Social Psychology Gutsell Final Exam 15-Dec 1:30PM Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
QR 10A-1 - Quantitative Thinking for the Modern Citizen Merrill Final Exam 15-Dec 6:00PM Goldsmith 300
SOC 168A- 1 - Democracy and Inequality in Global Perspective Rosenberger Presentations 9-Dec 9:00AM Olin-Sang 104
THA 164A- 1 - Costume Design Jahn Presentations 13-Dec 1:30PM Spingold 111
TYP 1A-1 - TYP: Quantitative Reasoning I Albert Final Exam 14-Dec 6:00PM Mandel G11
TYP 6A-1 - TYP: Computer Science Hickey Final Exam 13-Dec 1:30PM Goldfarb 230