Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaborations

Research Advice from Brandeis Undergraduates

What is Undergraduate Research?

The Council on Undergraduate Research defines undergraduate research as "an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline."

Students who want to learn more about undergraduate research and how to get involved can now view the  videos below. In each of these 12 short videos, four current Brandeis undergraduate researchers (Alejandra Bonilla ’21, Ariel Brathwaite ’22, Yuezhu (Coco) Chen ’22 and Emma Ghalili ’22) answer a common question about undergraduate research.

Thank you to Professor Elizabeth Ferry and Professor Angela Gutchess for organizing and conducting the video project. Funding was provided through a Provost’s Teaching Innovation Grant awarded to Professor Wendy Cadge by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Black background with text that reads "Introductions"


Black background with text that reads "Video 1: What Drew You to Your Research?"

What Drew You to Your Research?

Black background with text that reads "Video 2: Research Outcomes"

Research Outcomes

Black background with text that reads "Video 3: Prior Experiences That Helped You Prepare to do Research"

Prior Experiences that Helped You Prepare to do Research

Black background with text that reads "Video 4: How Did You Find Opportunities To Do Research?"

How did You Find Opportunities to do Research?

Black background with text that reads "Video 5: How Did You Pursue Funding Opportunities?"

How Did You Pursue Funding Opportunities?

Black background with text that reads "Video 6: How Did You Ask for Letters of Recommendation?"

How Did You Ask for Letters of Recommendation?

Black background with text that reads "Video 7: How do you Deal With Rejection in Applying to do Research?"

How Did You Deal with Rejection in Applying to do Research?

Black background with text that reads "Video 8: Interacting with Faculty and Grad Students"

Interacting with Faculty and Graduate Students

Black background with text that reads "Video 9: Obstacles in Your Research"

Obstacles in Your Research

Black background with text that reads "Video 10: What About When Research Feels Overwhelming?"

What About When Research Feels Overwhelming?

Black background with text that reads "Video 11: Impact of COVID"

Impact of COVID-19

Examining Racial Inequality in Public Schools During a Pandemic

When Assistant Professor of Sociology and Education Derron Wallace learned about a survey taken by families and students in Boston Public Schools on remote learning and school reopening plans during the COVID-19 pandemic, he saw an opportunity to use his expertise to make a difference. Read more on BrandeisNOW.