Frequently Asked Questions
Application Process
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Please review the 2024-2025 Community Advisor position description to learn about the qualifications to become a CA.
Yes. If you received a waitlist offer, you will need to reapply for the position, the following academic year.
If you are invited to participate in the individual interview or group process and are studying abroad, a virtual option can be provided upon request.
Start early! We encourage you to talk with your support network about this position and what impact it could have on your Brandeis experience.
CAs spend an average of 10-15 hours a week communicating with residents, participating in meetings, planning and hosting programs, and serving on call.
We recognize and understand that our CAs hold many roles on campus whether through academic programs or extracurricular activities. CAs can participate in other activities and leadership roles however, the CA position should be the highest nonacademic priority.
CAs may not serve concurrently as a new member of the Campus Center Team, member of the University Conduct Board, Orientation leader, Roosevelt Fellow, or participate in any club, organization, or obligation that interferes with required time commitments such as primary CA training or job responsibilities.
All hired candidates are expected to attend our CA orientation meeting in early April.
CA Training takes place during August/January prior to the semester beginning. Training is mandatory for all Community Advisors to fulfill the role they serve.
Exact CA duty shifts vary based on the size of the CAs within a residential area. CAs conduct regular rounds within the area and respond to residential needs while on call. Expect a minimum of at least one shift per week.
Each Quad is required to fully staff the following break periods as well as finals; therefore each CA is required to fill the duty calendar before planning absences:
Currently, there are 77 CAs amongst the residential areas. Below is a visual of the amount of CAs in each area.