Community Living

Olivia Bolarinho

Olivia Bolarinho

Assistant Area Coordinator, Rosenthal



My name is Olivia Bolarinho and I am from New Bedford, MA. I went to college at Emmanuel College in Boston, MA, and graduated with a degree in English and a double minor in Legal Studies and Gender and Women's Studies while on a pre-law track. During my time at Emmanuel and prior, I dedicated a large portion of my life to volunteering, fundraising, and building connections with local agencies that served communities in need. I also served as President of Emmanuel College Community Outreach, a club on campus dedicated to promoting social justice and service throughout the greater Boston community. While working hard to obtain my bachelor's degree, I interned with the Coalition for Social Justice. My work and focus included a range of areas including paid family medical leave, equal access to education, economic equity, the Fair Share Bill, and nonprofit development. I am going to be attending New England Law this fall and I could not be more excited. Overall, I am very passionate about helping others in any way I can and I can't wait to begin my journey at Brandeis!