World of Work Fellowships
The Hiatt Career Center's World of Work (WOW) fellowship supports undergraduates who pursue unpaid summer internships. This year, around $200,000 is available for you to take on unpaid internships, gain skills, and still get paid. The competitive program helps reduce financial obstacles so you can follow your interests, explore career fields, and gain new skills!
Complete your Summer 2024 Application before April 14 at 11:59 p.m.
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WOW Awards
While the number of awards may vary on any given year, there are multiple different types to help eliminate financial burdens for students. Applicants will be considered for all appropriate sources of funding.
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Rauch Family Trust Internship in Climate Change is awarded for internships related to addressing climate change.
Work should be substantive and can take place in the private sector, governmental, research, or non-profit organizations with a focus on improving education, awareness raising, human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, or early warning.
One student can receive $5,000.
Earl and Shirlee Katz Endowed Internship for Jewish Communal Service supports internships with a non-profit that focuses on or serves the Jewish community.
Four students can receive $6,000.
Alexander P. Heckler/Governor Ann Richards Internship Fund is awarded to students who aim to pursue a professional career in public service and are interning in or around Washington, DC.
The fund is named for and honors the memory of Ann Richards, former Texas governor and Brandeis University visiting professor and board member. Richards spent much of her life as a dedicated public servant advocating for progressive values.
Three students can receive $5,000.
Anna Umanskaya '10 Internship Fund supports a student internship with an organization that supports the elderly and/or immigrant communities.
The fund is named in memory of Anna Umanskaya '10 who passed away in 2021 and who was deeply touched by her connections working with the elderly and immigrant populations during and after her time as a Brandeis student. Read more about Anna's story.
One student can receive $5,152.02
Louis D. Brandeis Social Justice WOW Fellowship is a prestigious grant that supports undergraduates at organizations that address issues of social justice. Whether through tech support, marketing, financial analytics, education, direct service, or grassroots campaigning, there are many ways to champion social justice in the World of Work.
These awards are generously provided by the Louis D. Brandeis Legacy Fund for Social Justice, which supports a wide range of activities that reflect the University's commitment to social justice.
The Legacy Fund also sponsors internships with premier social justice organizations. These organizations have reserved a slot exclusively for Brandeis students. Follow the links below and submit your application through Handshake (you do not need to fill out a separate WOW application) before March 1, 2024.
An additional 30 students can receive $4,500 for internships at alternative organizations.
Judith Cossin Berkman '59 Endowed Internship Fund is awarded to a student whose goal is to pursue a professional career as a social worker and is interning at a social service agency.
Indicate in your essay how this internship will lead toward a career as a social worker.
One student can receive $5,000.
Universal WOW Fellowship supports student internships whose summer internship is unpaid regardless of field.
All applicants are automatically considered for the Universal WOW award.
Four to seven students can receive $3,000.