For Hiring Department

Departments seeking to employ a foreign national must understand and certify they will abide by the required conditions and requirements.

Faculty members and hiring managers should inform the ISSO as soon as possible when they are considering inviting/hiring a foreign national (including Canadians). The ISSO will need time to prepare the necessary immigration documents for the individual to complete and receive the documents necessary to obtain their nonimmigrant visas and enter the U.S. in a timely manner.  We recommend that departments allot at least 4 months for foreign nationals to obtain appropriate visas and arrive at Brandeis.
Step 1: Verify Citizenship
The first step to appoint a foreign national is for the department to determine the citizenship of the appointee and assess if they will need employment sponsorship.
  • If the scholar is NOT a U.S. Citizen (which includes Canadian citizens since they must have the same documentation as other foreign nationals), the ISSO will need to:
    • Know if the scholar is currently in the U.S., and if so, the scholar's current immigration status
    • Obtain copies of their current immigration documents
    • Connect with the potential scholar by having them email
  • If the scholar is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident (which includes individuals who have a "Green Card," Alien Registration number/card, or an immigrant visa), the department does not need to notify or work with the ISSO.
Step 2: Obtain a Letter of Appointment or an Offer Letter

You may obtain a letter of appointment from the offices listed below depending on the scholar's position at Brandeis. The ISSO will be notified once the appointment letter is issued.

Step 3: Confirm the Appropriate Visa Type with the ISSO

The ISSO will work with the department and the scholar to determine the appropriate visa type and will inform both the department and scholar of the next steps.

Step 4: Submit the Department Portal Form

The Department Administrator must complete and submit the Department Portal Form to provide the required information and documents to the ISSO.